Chapter 20

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Sarah sat by the window, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery. The exhilaration of the performance was beginning to ebb, replaced by a contemplative mood. Thoughts of Natalie's recent phone call to her in-laws swirled in her mind. The realization that Natalie had reached out to them weighed heavily on Sarah. It raised doubts and uncertainties about their dynamics, stirring up a mix of emotions within her—worry, hope, and a lingering sense of vulnerability. The road ahead seemed uncertain, much like the questions lingering in her heart.

Isaac noticed Sarah looked kind of down, and he hated to see her so upset. Interrupting her thoughts, he leaned in towards her. "Hey, Sarah," he said gently. "How are you doing?"

Sarah glanced up at Isaac, her eyes softening at his concern. "Hey, Isaac," she replied with a small smile. "I'm doing okay. Just have a lot on my mind right now." She paused, " It's been kind of a stressful day."

Isaac nodded understandingly, his expression sympathetic. "I get that. Today has been quite a rollercoaster," he remarked, settling into the seat beside Sarah. "But hey, we'll get through it together somehow."

Sarah appreciated Isaac's reassuring presence. He had a knack for lightening the mood and offering comfort when needed most. She turned to him, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "I hope you're right, Isaac. I don't like feeling this stressed," she said.

As they continued their conversation, the tour bus rumbled steadily along the highway, carrying them toward the next destination.

Penny, sensing Sarah's need for distraction, piped up with enthusiasm. "Hey, Sarah! How about a game of cards? It'll help pass the time," she suggested, her voice cheerful and inviting.

Sarah nodded gratefully, accepting the invitation. As they engaged in the game, laughter and friendly banter filled the air, providing a welcome respite from the day's trials.

Natalie hated seeing Sarah play a game with her daughter Penny but kept her mouth shut. On the inside, however, Natalie felt a surge of frustration and jealousy brewing. Seeing Sarah interact with Penny, her daughter, stoked feelings of resentment and discomfort within her. Deep down, she struggled with a mixture of emotions—resentment toward Sarah for the newfound connections forming within their group, and a twinge of guilt for harboring such feelings. Despite her internal conflict, Natalie chose to remain composed, masking her inner turmoil behind a polite smile.

As the tour bus rumbled along, Natalie occupied herself with a book, attempting to distract her mind from the lingering sense of unease. She glanced up occasionally, observing the lively exchanges among the group, and couldn't shake the sensation that her family dynamics were shifting in unexpected ways. In the midst of it all, she resolved to find a way to reconcile her emotions and navigate the evolving relationships on the tour.

Jessamyn approached Taylor tentatively, her expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. She glanced up at him, hesitating for a moment before speaking. "Hey, Taylor," she began, her voice soft yet filled with a hint of intrigue. "I was wondering if we could talk for a bit?"

Taylor looked up at Jessamyn, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Of course, Jessamyn," he replied kindly. "What's on your mind?" They moved to a quieter corner of the tour bus, away from the others, as Jessamyn prepared to share her thoughts.

During their conversation, Jessamyn and Taylor delve into a range of topics. Jessamyn expresses her curiosity about Taylor's experiences on tour and his musical journey. She asks him about his favorite performances and memorable moments from his career. Taylor shares stories from the road and recounts the challenges and rewards of being a musician. Jessamyn also opens up about her interests and aspirations, discussing her love for music and hobbies. As they chat, Taylor offers encouragement and advice, sharing insights from his life and career path. They bond over their shared passion for music and find common ground in their conversation.

After a few hours on the road, the tour bus pulled into a gas station. The group disembarked, eager to stretch their legs and take a break from the confines of the vehicle. Jessamyn was particularly excited about the stop, her eyes lighting up as she surveyed the selection of snacks and drinks. She ended up grabbing a bag of potato chips, a couple of chocolate bars, sparkling water, and an iced tea.

Then as she wandered through the aisles, she spotted a display of vintage music CDs and vinyl records near the checkout counter. Intrigued, she sifted through the collection, her fingers tracing over the worn covers of classic albums. Taylor joined her, his interest piqued by the music memorabilia.

Meanwhile, Sarah and the rest of the group gathered outside after paying for their snacks and beverages. They enjoyed the warm breeze as they waited.

When Taylor and Jessamyn emerged from the store, Jessamyn clutching a newly acquired CD. "Look what I found!" she exclaimed, holding up the album with excitement.

Sarah smiled, glad to see Jessamyn's enthusiasm. " That's awesome! What did you pick?" She asked.

" It's an old Beatles album!" Jessamyn replied, beaming. " I've heard some of their songs before, but I thought it would be cool to have the actual CD."

Taylor nodded in approval. " Good choice! The Beatles have timeless music," he remarked, sharing in Jessamyn's enthusiasm for classic rock.

As the group prepared to leave the gas station, they carried with them a renewed sense of camaraderie and shared excitement for the journey ahead. Clutching her newfound treasure, Jessamyn was eager to continue bonding with everyone.


Before everyone had left the venue earlier that day, Walker and Diana had decided to take a plane to the next destination on the tour. As the aircraft taxied down the runway and took off, Diana glanced out the window, watching the cityscape shrink beneath them. She sighed softly, feeling a mixture of anticpation and apprehension about the upcoming events.

Once they reached cruising altitude, Walker leaned into Diana. " I still can't believe everything that's happening," he remarked, his voice low to avoid disturbing other passengers. " Seeing Sarah again after all these years- it's like reopening a chapter we thought was closed."

Diana nodded in agreement, her thoughts mirroring Walker's. " It's certainly unexpected," she replied, her gaze distant. " But we need to be supportive, especially for Jessamyn's sake."

As the flight continued, Diana and Walker discussed their plans for the upcoming meeting with Sarah and her companions. They shared concerns about how Jessamyn might be feeling about the unfolding events. "We have to consider what's best for her," Diana remarked, her voice tinged with worry. "She's been through so much already."

Walker nodded solemnly, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "Agreed," he replied, his tone thoughtful.

Diana reached into her bag and retrieved a notepad, jotting down a few notes about what they might discuss with Sarah and Taylor. "We should also think about how we can support Natalie," she suggested, glancing at Walker. "This affects her deeply."

Walker sighed, leaning back in his seat. "It's a lot to take in," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the window. "But we'll do our best to navigate through this with grace."

The remainder of the flight passed in relative silence, the distant hum of the engines punctuated by sporadic announcements from the flight attendants. Walker and Diana spent the time reviewing their thoughts and preparing themselves mentally for the conversation they needed to have with Sarah and Taylor.

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