Chapter 27

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As the group gathered in the hotel suite after a week of contemplation, Sarah took a deep breath before addressing everyone. "I've thought a lot about what's best for Jessamyn," she began, her voice steady but tinged with emotion. "Moving to Tulsa would mean significant changes for all of us, but I believe it's the right decision." She glanced around the room, meeting each person's gaze with resolve. "I want Jessamyn to have stability and the chance to build stronger connections with all of you."

Diana and Walker exchanged a knowing look, their expressions reflecting a mix of understanding and support. Walker spoke up next, his tone measured yet optimistic. "We're committed to making this transition as smooth as possible," he assured them. "We've already started making arrangements in Tulsa, and Jessamyn will have everything she needs to settle in comfortably."

Taylor nodded in agreement, a sense of determination settling over him. "We'll make it work," he added, his voice filled with resolve. "This is the best choice for all of us, especially Jessamyn."

Natalie, though visibly conflicted, offered a tentative nod. "I want what's best for Jessamyn," she admitted, her voice softening. "I'll do my best to support this decision and make the transition as smooth as possible."

Jessamyn, who had been listening intently, finally spoke up with a small smile. "I'm ready for a new adventure," she said, her eyes bright with optimism. "Let's do this together."

Sarah voiced her concerns about the financial aspect of the move, and the room fell into a thoughtful silence. Diana, ever the pragmatic one, spoke up first, her tone reassuring. "We can work through this, Sarah," she offered, her voice calm yet determined. "Let's explore our options and figure out a plan together."

Walker nodded in agreement, his expression supportive. "We'll help you with the logistics," he reassured Sarah. "Whether it's finding affordable moving services or exploring financial assistance options, we'll make sure everything is taken care of."

Taylor chimed in, his voice reflecting determination. "We'll pool our resources," he suggested. "Between all of us, we can come up with a plan to cover the expenses. We're in this together."

Natalie thought for a moment before speaking up. She couldn't believe what she was about to say. " I can't believe I am suggesting this, but... maybe me and Taylor can put up the money for the house."

Taylor's eyes widened in surprise at Natalie's unexpected offer. A mix of emotions flickered across his face – gratitude for her willingness to step up, hesitation at the financial burden, and a flicker of suspicion considering Natalie's past behavior. Despite his reservations, a genuine smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "That's incredibly generous of you, Natalie," he said, his voice sincere. "We should definitely discuss it further and make sure it's the most responsible decision for everyone involved."

Sarah didn't know what to say. Although she didn't know that Taylor felt the same, she felt a little suspicious as well. Natalie had made it well known to her that she didn't like her. So why would she even suggest her and Taylor covering that expense? Her stomach twisted in a knot of conflicting emotions. Relief bubbled up at the prospect of not having the financial burden of the house hanging over them, quickly followed by a wave of suspicion. Natalie's past treatment of her was far too fresh in her mind. Taking a cautious breath, Sarah voiced her concerns. "Natalie, that's incredibly generous of you," she began, her voice measured. "But after everything that's happened, I can't help but wonder if there might be another reason behind this offer. Perhaps there are strings attached?" Her gaze flickered between Natalie and Taylor, searching for any sign of dishonesty. "I just want to make sure this is the best decision for Jessamyn, and for all of us, financially and emotionally."

A flush crept up Natalie's neck, and she straightened in her seat, clearly stung by Sarah's suspicion. "Listen, Sarah," she began, her voice firm but laced with a touch of hurt. "I know things haven't exactly been sunshine and rainbows between us, but Jessamyn is kind of like a daughter to me too. This move is a big upheaval for everyone, and the last thing I want is for financial worries to add to the stress.  Think of it as a way to ensure a smooth transition for Jessamyn.  Besides," she continued, her gaze softening slightly, "maybe this can be a chance for us to start over.  A new chapter where we focus on supporting Jessamyn and building a stronger relationship, one built on trust and open communication."  She met Sarah's gaze head-on, hoping to convey the genuineness of her offer. "Believe me, Sarah, this isn't about anything between us. This is solely about Jessamyn's well-being."

With a nod, Sarah acknowledged the shift in the room. While a sliver of doubt still lingered, Natalie's impassioned plea and the genuine support in everyone's eyes swayed her. "Alright, Natalie," she conceded, her voice softening. "Your offer is incredibly generous, and for Jessamyn's sake, I'm willing to give it a try. But," she continued, her gaze holding Natalie's, "we'll need complete transparency on the finances. This needs to be a collaborative effort, one built on trust and open communication, just like you said."

Isaac, who had been listening quietly, interjected with a reassuring smile. "Count me in on this," he said, his voice steady and supportive. "I insist on helping out with the logistics of the move. Whether it's help with the packing or finding movers, I'm here to lighten the load."

His offer added another layer of support to the conversation, reaffirming their collective commitment to ensuring a smooth transition for Jessamyn and the family. Taylor nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Isaac's willingness to contribute. "That would be a huge help, Isaac," he replied, his voice warm with gratitude. "Thank you for stepping up. Together, we can make this move as seamless as possible for everyone involved."

The sense of unity and collaboration in the room grew as they discussed the practical steps and responsibilities ahead. With each member of the family offering their support and expertise, the daunting prospect of relocating began to feel more manageable and hopeful. They continued to brainstorm and plan, setting the stage for a new chapter filled with possibilities and shared determination to prioritize Jessamyn's well-being throughout the transition.

Once they were done with that initial conversation, Penny pulled Jessamyn aside, who reluctantly followed her to a corner of the room. After what Penny had said to her last week, she had pretty much done her best to avoid her. But when Sarah had told her that she needed to talk to Penny, she couldn't avoid her any longer.

Penny took a deep breath, her expression earnest as she faced Jessamyn. "Hey, Jess," she began, her voice tinged with remorse. "I want to apologize for what I said last week. It was insensitive and thoughtless, and I didn't mean to hurt you." She paused, her gaze sincere. "I understand if you're upset with me, but I want you to know that I didn't mean it the way it came out. I'm really sorry."

Jessamyn listened quietly, her guard softening slightly at Penny's genuine apology. She could sense the sincerity in Penny's voice and demeanor, which eased some of the lingering hurt. After a moment, Jessamyn nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thank you for saying that, Penny," she replied, her voice gentle. "I appreciate your apology."

The tension between them began to dissipate as Penny's apology opened the door to healing and understanding. Jessamyn felt a weight lift off her shoulders, grateful for the chance to move past the hurtful incident and rebuild their relationship.

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