Chapter 18

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The next day came with even more drama, especially when they reached their next destination. Somehow, Hanson's parents had heard about Sarah being on tour with them. When they got to the venue, their parents were there waiting for them.

The second Sarah saw their parents, she expected Natalie had told them what was going on, but she couldn't be sure. And as soon as she locked eyes with them, she could feel the anxiety building up inside of her.

Walker's eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on Sarah, his expression mixed with disappointment and frustration. "Sarah," he began, his voice stern, "what in the world do you think you're doing here?" The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, conveying a sense of disapproval and concern.

Walker's eyes narrowed as he fixed his gaze on Sarah, his expression mixed with disappointment and frustration. "Sarah," he began, his voice stern, "what in the world do you think you're doing here?" The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, conveying a sense of disapproval and concern.

In a nervous and quiet voice, Sarah replied, "I...I'm sorry, Mr. Hanson. I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Her words faltered slightly as she struggled to meet his gaze, feeling the weight of his disappointment bearing down on her.

Diana's expression softened as she approached Sarah, her eyes filled with concern. "Sarah, dear, let's talk for a moment," she said gently, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Sarah's shoulder. "We're just concerned about this whole situation and we want to understand what's going on."

Walker's angry tone remained as he turned to Diana, baffled by her more gentle approach. "Diana, what are you doing? This isn't the time for soft words. She can't just waltz back into our lives after what she did." Then, locking eyes with Sarah again, he continued with a pointed edge in his voice. "You think you can just show up here and everything will be okay? You have some nerve, Sarah."

Isaac steps forward, his expression determined as he addresses his father. " Dad, I understand you're upset, but Sarah is here now, and the situation has kind of changed recently.

Walker took a deep breath, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he responds to Isaac. "I don't care what's changed. She's caused enough trouble for this family," he says sternly, his tone laced with frustration and disappointment.

Diana looked from Isaac to Sarah in confusion. " What did Isaac mean when he said that the situation has changed?" She asked, concern evident in her voice. She seemed genuinely curious, hoping for some clarity amidst the tension that hung heavily in the air.

As both Diana and Walker notice Jessamyn standing beside Sarah, they observe her features, recognizing a resemblance to both Taylor and Sarah. That's when they realized that this girl was why the situation had changed.

Walker couldn't believe what he was seeing. This girl standing in front of him was the kid that Sarah and Taylor had been pushed into putting up for adoption. His voice softened as he addressed Jessamyn. " You... you're the reason things have changed," he murmured, his eyes filled with surprise and remorse. " I... I didn't realize..." He trailed off, unsure of what else to say at that moment.

" Jessamyn, these are your grandparents," Sarah introduced, her voice trembling with emotion. " Diana and Walker, meet our daughter."

Diana shook her hand, her eyes brimming with tears as she embraced Jessamyn tightly. " It's wonderful to meet you," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

Natalie felt deeply unsettled by the unexpected turn of events. While she had anticipated Walker's anger and had hoped for Sarah's swift departure back to Minnesota, Diana's unexpected warmth towards Sarah and Jessamyn added another layer to the already tense situation. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, especially as Walker's anger continued to simmer beneath the surface, evident in his tense demeanor.

Walker's tone was firm and filled with frustration as he spoke to Sarah. " This situation is getting out of hand," he remarked, his expression tense and disapproving.
"How exactly did this happen?"

Taylor told them everything, including how Sarah ended up on tour with them when Walker asked him to back track and start at the very beginning. As he told the story, he could see his dad getting more Walker's tone was firm and filled with frustration as he spoke to Sarah. " This situation is getting out of hand," he remarked, his expression tense and disapproving.
"How exactly did this happen?"

Taylor told them everything, including how Sarah ended up on tour with them when Walker asked him to back track and start at the very beginning. As he told the story, he could see his dad getting more Walker's tone was firm and filled with frustration as he spoke to Sarah. " This situation is getting out of hand," he remarked, his expression tense and disapproving.
"How exactly did this happen?"

Taylor told them everything, including how Sarah ended up on tour with them when Walker asked him to back track and start at the very beginning. As he told the story, he could see his dad getting more Walker's tone was firm and filled with frustration as he spoke to Sarah. " This situation is getting out of hand," he remarked, his expression tense and disapproving.
"How exactly did this happen?"

Taylor told them everything, including how Sarah ended up on tour with them when Walker asked him to back track and start at the very beginning. As he told the story, he could see his dad getting more frustrated, his brows furrowing deeper with each detail. Despite Taylor's attempt to explain, Walker's anger seemed to only intensify, leaving an air of tension lingering in the room.

Diana listened intently, her expression shifting from concern to understanding. She could see the complexity of the situation and empathized with Sarah and Taylor's journey. Meanwhile, Natalie stood silently, her arms crossed tightly over her chest, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation. She couldn't shake off the feeling that this unexpected turn of events would only complicate matters further.

Although the conversation wasn't over, they had to take a break from it. The boys had to get ready for their show, and while they would have let Sarah help with the sound check again, Walker insisted on taking Sarah out of the equation for the time being. Natalie, still visibly upset, excused herself, opting to spend some time in the tour bus, rather than face the tension any longer. With a heavy sigh, Taylor and Isaac exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the weight of the situation as they prepared to focus on their performance.

Sarah decided to use the time to clear her head and go for a walk outside the venue. She needed some fresh air to process everything that had transpired with Walker and Diana and Jessamyn's sudden appearance. As she strolled along the quiet streets, her thoughts raced, trying to make sense of the unexpected turn of events and what it meant for her future.

She found a nearby coffee shop and went inside, using a little bit of money Taylor had given her earlier. She got a cinnamon dolce latte and a chocolate chip cookie. Settling into a cozy corner of the coffee shop, Sarah took a sip of her latte, savoring the warm, comforting flavor. The familiar taste helped to soothe her frazzled nerves, even if just for a moment. With each bite of the chocolate chip cookie, she found herself gradually relaxing, the tension of the day slowly melting away. As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her newfound relationship with Jessamyn and how it would impact her life going forward.

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