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"What are y'all talking about?" Taehyung entered Jungkook's classroom where their friends were gathered. Since he and Jimin were in the same class, they decided to visit their friends who were in the same class, except for Jin who was already present, sitting in Jungkook's class.

Taehyung sat in front of Jungkook, facing him, beside Min-kyu, who was originally sitting in Yoongi's seat. Yoongi was currently sitting beside Jungkook, who was Min-kyu's partner. Jimin took a seat behind Namjoon, who was occasionally making out with his boyfriend. Hobi joined them too, placing his bag on the seat where Jimin was sitting and then sitting beside him.

"Since we will graduate soon, Jungkook asked me to find an apartment for him," Yoongi replied as Taehyung watched Jungkook taking something out of his bag.

"What? You're moving out and you didn't even inform me?" Taehyung spoke, sounding offended as he tried to snatch the strawberry-flavored candies Jungkook had just taken out from his bag.

"First of all, you're not my mother," Jungkook rolled his eyes at his best friend. "And secondly, I took them out to give to you, but you always have to act like a wild cat," he added, popping one of the candies into his mouth and putting the rest back inside his bag.

"Well, I can be your mommy," Taehyung winked, snatching Jungkook's bag, causing Jungkook to give him a disgusted look at the word 'mommy', like he didn't just like his friend's suggestion.

Taehyung took the candies out and started eating them while hugging Jungkook's bag. He playfully took the half-eaten candy from his mouth and turned his head towards Min-kyu, who was sitting beside him, gesturing for him to eat it. Min-kyu just laughed, blushing slightly, while Jungkook poked his cheeks, clearly not liking the scene.

"What's with you? Were you always this flirty since the day you were born?" Min-kyu asked, laughing.

"The blood runs in my family, honey," Taehyung said cockily. "You know," He popped another candy in his mouth and then spoke "it was my mom who made the first move while my dad was so f*cking shy, he couldn't even look any woman in the eyes," Taehyung giggled.

"Sounds like Jungkook," Yoongi commented, his eyes glued to his phone, fully aware of Jimin staring at him.

"Oh, Jungkook—reminds me, you really are moving out?" Taehyung asked, looking directly at Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah. Yoongi said there are some vacant apartments in the building he lives in, so I'm going to check them out today and probably talk with the landlady."

"I'm coming with you," Taehyung chirped, flashing his boxy smile.

"No," Jungkook replied blankly.

"I'm not asking you," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Just then, the bell rang for the first class. Taehyung immediately grabbed Jungkook's bag and bolted out of the classroom.

"Yah, KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook yelled, running after him.

Before Jungkook could enter Taehyung's classroom, the teacher walked in, forcing Jungkook to glare at Taehyung through the window. Taehyung laughed behind his palm, clearly amused by the situation.

Taehyung quickly took out his phone and sent a message to Jungkook. Jungkook, knowing exactly who it was from, immediately took out his phone and waited for the text. It didn't take long for the message to appear.

Bear with no fear *rawr*:

"That's what you get for messing with Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook huffed in annoyance and headed back to his own class. Luckily, the first period was free since the teacher was absent. Jungkook suspected Taehyung knew this all along, as he would never pull a prank like this knowing how much Jungkook prioritized his studies.

So, the first class turned out to be P.E. All the students groaned at the thought of getting sweaty first thing in the morning, but they reluctantly went to change.

And 40 minutes later, when Jungkook returned to his classroom, he found his bag placed neatly on his designated seat which brought a smile to his Jungkook's face.


Jungkook stood outside his classroom, leaning against the wall, as students filled the corridor, chatting excitedly about their plans to go home or hang out with friends. The hallway was bustling with energy, everyone eager to start their after-school activities. Jungkook's eyes scanned the crowd continuously, searching for a familiar face. He waited patiently for a good 20 minutes, watching as groups of friends laughed and jostled their way towards the exit. Despite his vigilance, there was no sign of Taehyung anywhere. The anticipation and eagerness that had kept him alert began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of disappointment.

Since Jungkook was preoccupied during lunch, he missed hanging out with his other friends. The only time he met Taehyung was in the morning, and now, the boy seemed to have vanished into thin air!

"Jungkook, you coming?" Yoongi asked as he left the classroom.

Both of them had planned to go apartment hunting right after school.

"Uh, yeah," Jungkook replied, and as they stepped out of the school building, they ran into Namjin couple. Fortunately, Namjoon offered them a ride, which they gratefully accepted.

While in car, Jungkook checked his phone several times, but there was no call or text from Taehyung. He didn't even message him to say if he would join him or not.

Jungkook sighed, looking out the window. Before, Taehyung never missed a chance to bug him. He never left his side, no matter where he went. But now, Taehyung seemed to be changing. First, he missed school just to hang out with Min-kyu, and now he ghosted him.

Was Taehyung going to drift away from him? Would he also leave him just like his father and mother?


sorry for the short chapter :(

I want your love | taekookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ