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The clouds were thundering outside, and the rain poured down as if trying to calm the earth with its relentless force. Each drop tapped rhythmically against the windows, creating a soothing, yet melancholic melody. The cool breeze swept through Jungkook's dorm room, carrying with it the fresh, earthy scent of rain.

Jungkook sat at his study table as usual, completely absorbed in his assignment. The windows were open, inviting the refreshing air to swirl around the room, mixing with the comforting aroma of the rain.

He remained oblivious to his phone buzzing incessantly with notifications. After about ten minutes, he finally stood up, feeling the stiffness in his legs from sitting for the past hour and a half. He grabbed a water bottle and decided it was time to order some pizza.

Ignoring the notifications from KakaoTalk and Instagram, Jungkook focused on placing his pizza order. He then unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and took a long, satisfying drink, feeling the cool liquid travel down his throat and into his stomach.

Jungkook pulled his chair over to the window to enjoy the rainy view outside. He grabbed his phone and quickly opened Instagram. His eyes immediately landed on a new notification, but what truly caught his attention was Taehyung's latest post on his home feed.

The first picture was taken at a restaurant. Taehyung had tagged the location and the person he was with. Jungkook swiped to see the next photo: Taehyung smiling brightly at the camera, posing with a "V" sign on his face. Beside him was Min-kyu, mirroring the same pose. It was clear Taehyung had asked him to do it. Jungkook stared at the picture for a full minute before swiping again to see a photo with Jimin and then a selfie of all three of them together.

Jungkook went to his notifications and saw that Hobi had tagged him in a comment. It was on none other than Taehyung's recent post. Curious, Jungkook clicked on it to see if there were any replies. 

hobihobi I thought you were with 
@ daddyjeon_ ?
                    etxereal_   @hobihobi  Aah! I literally forgot about it. I was supposed to be with him, but I made plans with Min-kyu and then Jimin offered to join us. It went out of my mind, the plans I made with Kook.

Jungkook read Taehyung's reply over and over again. The word "forgot" echoed in his mind. How could Taehyung forget about him? Jungkook bit his lips anxiously, feeling a sting of hurt and betrayal.

"Why am I overreacting?" Jungkook sighed, annoyed at himself. He shook his head, trying to push the negative thoughts away.

"Why do I have to keep reminding myself that Taehyung is not bound to me and he is free to be close with anyone he wants?" he muttered, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness.

But Jungkook knew it wasn't just about Taehyung forgetting their plans. Call Jungkook selfish, but he didn't want anyone else to be as close to Taehyung as he was. He feared that one day Taehyung would slowly start disliking his company and eventually abandon him. 

Look at Jungkook—he had nothing. He wasn't funny, he wasn't rich, he didn't like to go out, he didn't know how to make friends. He was just a typical nerd. Taehyung, on the other hand, was someone who protected him from bullies, someone who came into his life like a beacon of light.

What if Taehyung was really his friend because he pitied him? Jungkook's thoughts spiraled.

And then his mind conjured vivid, tormenting scenes. He saw Taehyung standing with the bullies who used to torment him, their faces twisted in cruel amusement. They were all laughing, and Taehyung was laughing with them. The sound of their mockery echoed in his ears, growing louder and more distorted with every second. Jungkook stood alone, paralyzed by the betrayal, feeling a cold emptiness spread through his chest.

He imagined Taehyung turning his back on him, walking away with a slow, deliberate stride. Each step Taehyung took felt like a dagger to Jungkook's heart. The smirk on Taehyung's lips was cold and unfeeling, so unlike the warm smiles Jungkook was used to.

"Taehyung, wait!" Jungkook wanted to call out, but his voice was lost in the cacophony of laughter.

The word "abandoning" reverberated in his mind, growing louder and more insistent until it drowned out everything else. It was like a relentless drumbeat, each repetition hammering away at his fragile sense of security. The phone slipped from Jungkook's hand, hitting the floor with a muted thud. He didn't even notice.

His hands flew to his head, fingers digging into his scalp as if trying to physically extract the tormenting thoughts. He gritted his teeth, a low, desperate groan escaping his lips. The pain in his head was almost unbearable, but he couldn't stop the images, couldn't silence the voices that kept telling him he was about to be left alone again.

"Abandon me?" Jungkook whispered brokenly, his voice barely audible. His hand trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes filled with unshed tears that blurred his vision. The pain of his thoughts was almost physical, a sharp ache that radiated through his chest. He felt utterly forsaken, as if the ground beneath him was crumbling away, leaving him to fall into an abyss of loneliness and despair.

Suddenly, a high-pitched beeping sound pierced through the fog of his thoughts, startling him. The noise seemed to echo inside his head, amplifying his already heightened sense of distress. His vision began to blur, the familiar surroundings of his dorm room becoming indistinct and hazy. The room seemed to spin around him, and he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, making it difficult to stay upright.

Jungkook's body grew increasingly heavy, each limb feeling as if it were weighed down by invisible anchors. He struggled to keep his eyes open, to maintain his grip on consciousness, but it was a losing battle. The overwhelming emotions, the fear, and the sense of abandonment all conspired against him, dragging him down into darkness. His breathing became shallow, his heartbeat erratic as he felt himself slipping away.

Despite his efforts to stay awake, Jungkook's body finally gave in to the crushing weight of his emotional turmoil. He fainted, collapsing onto the cold, hard floor of his dorm room. The cool air from the open window washed over him, but it did nothing to soothe his anguish. As he lay there, unconscious, his face was a picture of quiet suffering, the tears that had threatened to fall now silently trailing down his cheeks.


🌹 __🌹

drama  is about to start 🌚

ps: If any of you think I made Jungkook's character too emotional for a minor reason, then no—keep in mind that Jungkook's background is significant. His mother passed away 7 years after giving birth to him, and Jungkook's father had already left them seven months before Jungkook's birth. Additionally, Jungkook was bullied in middle school, so the only person he is truly close to is Taehyung. His emotional dependency on Taehyung stems from this history, and he can't imagine a life without him.

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