Chapter Eight

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I bit my lip as I squirmed a bit as I realized how much I needed to go to the toilet after they had brought it up

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I bit my lip as I squirmed a bit as I realized how much I needed to go to the toilet after they had brought it up. I hate them for doing so because I was doing so well not remembering. I felt a hand tug my hand to make me look down at Cheong-san. I raised my eyebrow when he patted his lap but I guess this was better than walking to a chair and risk peeing myself.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I sat down on his lap, trying not to put too much of my weight on him, just in case he wasn't strong enough to hold me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer so that my back was against his chest, "It's okay. Just get comfortable." He whispered into my ear, his breath tickling my face as I felt my ears going red in embarrassment.

I looked at the others, my eyes sweeping across each person's face, noticing that everyone looked uncomfortable at the thought of peeing. Why did Su-hyeok have to mention anything? I also stopped at Onjo's face who was looking at me before turning away quickly. She had a weird look on her face and I wondered if she was jealous that I was sitting on Cheong-san's lap. There should be no reason for her to be jealous cause she likes Su-hyeok and not Cheong-san.

"Why are you blaming me for this?" Daesu started, making me look over at him as he looked defeated. I felt Cheong-san rest his chin on my shoulder, making me smile a bit, "Su-hyeok brought it up. Pooping's not a crime."

"It's not a crime but..." Woojin started.

"But what? Don't you need to go?"

"Yeah, I do. Not poop but, you know..."

"What about you two?" He pointed towards us.

"I wish you guys would stop talking because it's making the pain worse," I said softly, trying to take my mind off of my bladder in case I wet myself and Cheong-san because I was sitting on his lap.

"I don't... Pooping? No..." Cheong-san said quietly.

Daesu looked at us for a moment before looking at Gyeong-su, "you?"

Gyeong-su waved his hands, "Don't bring me into this. I need to pee but not poop, unlike you."

He rolled his eyes a bit before turning to Hyo-ryung, pointing at her, "Don't you need to go?"

"Why are you asking me?" She asked, shyly. 

"Why are you getting annoyed?"

"What do you want from us? We can't go out, anyways."

It went silent for a moment and I sighed softly, squeezing my legs together as I tried to take my mind off of the idea of peeing. "I have an idea." He said, getting up from his chair and walking towards the window. Cheong-san spun us around on the chair to follow him, "First." Daesu began staring out the window. "The girls and the guys will take turns."


He patted the window frame and turned to everyone, "Here."

I couldn't help but make a face. I was not going to the toilet outside the classroom. There might be zombies out there but I don't want to face the embarrassment. "

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