Chapter Nine

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I jumped up as I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek

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I jumped up as I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. I rubbed my cheek, looking up at my assault as my eyes blinked to focus. I noticed it was Namra, making me pout at the girl, "You're mean to me, Namra." I said softly, my voice sounding super groggy and dehydrated. I could feel the lack of liquids hitting me all at once. I stretched my arms and back, popping everything as I moved.

I noticed that the room was bright, meaning that it was morning. I slowly got onto my feet and walked over to the window, where Cheong-san was already with Onjo at his side. I looked at the zombies walking around. So it wasn't a bad dream. "I hope you slept, Cheong-san," I said softly as I looked out at the field. "Cause we have a long day ahead."

"No one came."

I shook my head, "Of course not. We're not the important ones right now." I said softly before turning to look at the two of them. "We need to come up with a plan in case we don't get recused today."

Onjo went to sit down, leaving Cheong-san and me standing there on our own. I bit my lip softly as I watched the field, "I hope whoever is still alive out there, gets out alive."

"They'll come for us eventually," Onjo said, making me turn around to look at her. 

"How long do we wait?" Cheong-san walked by me towards the empty seats behind Namra.

"Until they come."

"There's no guarantee they'll come though,"

"So? You want to go out there?"

"Even if they come, they won't find us if they don't know that we're here," Jimin said, turning to the others.

"Well, we can put up a sign for help," Onjo suggested.


"I remember my dad taught me a signal that's used internationally."

"What is it?"

"It was red and blue arranged together to create some sort of pattern," She began, trying to remember the signal but no one was taking her seriously. She laughed slightly, "Should we just write 'SOS' on a curtain, maybe?"

Hyo-ryung rubbed her arms, "Yeah, let's do that."

"We can't last long anyways," Namra began, making everyone look at her. I walked over to her to sit behind her, "Three minutes without oxygen, three days without water, three weeks without food."

"What's that?" Su-hyeok asked curiously.

"How long a person can survive," I said at the same time as Namra, making everyone glance at me.

"It's only been a day, you know. We have to try the best we can." Onjo spoke, looking at us.

"We'll show signs of dehydration today," Namra said, looking at Onjo. "And we won't be able to move by tomorrow."

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