Jordans family come to la and mia is introduced as his girlfriend

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Mia's pov
Today me and Jordan are going to Disneyland as it's Disney week. I'm so nervous we're meeting his family there they came in late last night and are staying until after the final. It will be the first time I've met them as Jordan's girlfriend and I'm so nervous. I know there incredibly protective,of him and I just hope they see how much I love him because I really do. Words can't describe how much jordan Anthony means to me, he's just amazing and so hilarious,caring,kind, thoughtful, loving and hot, how could I not love him, to be honest I'm shocked he was single and he'd never had a girlfriend before, I know he's struggled with his weight in the past but now he's perfect in every way. We get a mini bus to Disneyland. I c t believe I'm in the top five to be honest. It's just,me,abi,Emmy,mackensie and Blake left now, there all so talented but I know I'm talented now and I believe in myself,my confidence has grown so much since starting idol. We arive at Disneyland I hug Jordan's family and they seem so happy to see me.

Jordan's pov
I say " guys this is my girlfirend mia". Dad laughs and says " jord we know, we've known before you even confessed you're fellings for her, she has a diferent afect on you to other girls and as long as Mia makes you happy we're happy". I say " yeah she's alright I gues". I look at him and he laughs and says " of course she makes me happy,she's an incredible and beutiful person inside and out ,what's there not to love". Mia looks at me and smiles we've never actually said it to each-other before but I do love her to and I'm not afraid to tell her. I'm suprised ho'w much my family like Mia, they've always been so protective of me but I think they realise they don't need to be anymore because I've got Mia, she's just perfect in every way.  Later I'm in my room i hear a few knocks on,my door and it's Mia, I let her in, she has her overnight bag. She looks at me and says " I love you to,so much it scares me, I've never felt this way about anyone before but I do love you ". I kiss her she smiles into the kiss, I have my hands under her top, she lifts her arms up, I take it of a,d say " I love you more Mia mathews I echo everything you've just said".

Jordan and mia American idol aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now