Disey night

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Jordan's pov
I wake up naked unde the covers, Mia is snuggled into me , yes we done it again last night,we have only done it for times but it's amazing. I feel my depict being touched. I look down to see Mia smiling,biteng her lip and she kisses me, I obviously kiss back. I'm so proud of my girl, making it to the top five, I think she could win. Tonight she's singing somebody form lemonade mouth and I make this wish form the film wish. I really hope she makes the final tonight it's the least she deserves. We make out for half an hour, she gets innthe shower and leaves the door ajar, it's too tempting to not join her. We kiss in the shower and wash eachother. Mia gets dressed and looks beautiful in her outfit for today, I give her a kiss and say " you look stunning babe, I know guys will, be trying their luck with you". She says " and I'll say I'm verry happy in a relationship, we're announcing it on the night of the final,even if I don't get there". I kiss her head and say " we are and you will get there just don't worry tonight okay I know it's a big deal but you need to enjoy it".

Mias pov
I get what jordan means but still I'm so nervous for tonight. I do my rehearsal and I see a tech guy looking at me up and down, he slaps my bum ,right that's enough, I say " do you mind". He says " not at all, you're very hot I'm extremely hot,let's just skip,the bulshit and fuck". I laugh and say " you're so immature it's a joke, I'm in a relationship and I'm verry happy, if you ever want a girlfirend I'd get some modesty if I were you and lose the coyness, you're a 2.5 and that's pushing it". Security have him removed. Later I peform bath my songs and get amazing feedback I hope Jordan's proud . Abi and mackensie go it's so sad but that's the competition. I can't believe I'm in the final, I hug my m7mmand sister. I can't find jordan anywhere . I go backstage and see him open his arms, I run into them he picks me up and spins me around. He kisses me and says " babe I'm so proud of you, i told you, you're in the final ".

Jordan and mia American idol aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now