Mia suprises Jordan/ final week and a date

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Mias pov
Today I'm suprising jordan with a date. He deserves it, he's been so good to me throughout idol. He's the perfect boyfriend, he respects my boundaries and lets me have space where I need it. I'm taking him shomwhere he's always wanted to go adpnd he hasent since he's been here. I. Taking him to the Hollywood sign and the observatory. I'm taking him TK his favourite places for food and drink, he's being treated today, it's my 2ay of thanking him and showing him how much I care about him and how appreciative I am to have him in my life. Jordan has no idea we're even going on a date that is until I tell him in a bit. I shower and get dressed, I do my hair up in a ponytail and put a red dress on, I do my makeup with my red lipstick.i hope jord likes the suprise. He knocks on my door and I let him in, he says " babe you look stunning but aren't you a little to dressed up for rehearsals". I say " no I'm not because I'm not rehearsing today, neither are Emmy and Blake,I'm taking my boyfriend on a date to show him how much I appreciate him and how much he's helped me and done for me during idol".

Jordan's pov
I look at her and say " are you sure, this date can happen after idol, it's the biggest week of you're life". She kisses me and says " I'm deadly sure jord, no complaints, you definitely deserve this and I'm paying for everything today my treat". Mia is something else she's so kind and generous. We go to the Hollywood sign, then go to my favourate place for lunch. We go to the observatory, amd a few other places I wanted to check out. We go to my favourite restaurant for dinner . Mia holds my hand and says " jord you're evreything to me I know I don't always say it but I love you so much, you're the best boy/ man I've ever met and you're so special to me , you always will be, don't ever forget that". I kiss her and say " thank you so much mimi, what you've done for me today is so special, even though it's the biggest week of your life you still made time for me". She kisses me and says " of course I did jord, I'll always make time for you no matter how usy you are".

Jordan and mia American idol aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now