Thirty Three: A Form of Torture

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Author's Note: As always, this is an adult novel with adult themes. This chapter may be triggering for those who have suffered physical and sexual assault. Reader's discretion advised.

Following Sasha's funeral, the next motion of our plan was to take Zeke far away from Eren. We still couldn't be sure that any of Eren's letters had yielded any truth. Levi and some other scout subordinates were tasked with keeping Zeke far away, out of the city. As much as I didn't like it, I stayed behind with the rest of the scout regiment to handle affairs in Paradis, which included the now arrested and imprisoned Eren. Levi and I had said our goodbyes, knowing we would be apart for a long time.

With Levi absent, political affairs had taken a turn for the worst. Floch has proven to be worse than a thorn in our sides. Unhappy with Eren's arrest, he and several other Survey Corps recruits leaked the news of Eren's confinement to the public. Subsequently, this put pressure on Hanji to release Eren, but they refrained. It didn't take Hanji and I long to figure out their betrayal. The Commander eventually called Floch and his colleagues before us, demanding answers.

Floch's argument was that Eren was justified in his actions. According to him and his Yeagerist friends, Eren's actions had saved the lives of the citizens of Paradis. If Hanji hadn't done it first, I would have, but they pointed out that Eren's actions have only demonized us to the rest of the world. In usual fashion, Floch insisted that we had nothing to worry about as long as Eren has the power of the Founding Titan. Rather than freeing Eren, Hanji chose to arrest Floch and his followers. I was more than happy to see this come to fruition. It had been a long time coming.

My happiness was soon cut short. Floch and his companions were soon freed by other members of the military who had sided with Eren, and they all fled the city. Around that time, Eren broke free from his cell using his Titan powers. It was safe to assume that Eren, Floch, and the Yaegerists had all teamed up somewhere outside of Paradis. Around this same time, Dhalis Zachary had been killed by a bomb in his office. I knew Floch had something to do with this even if I couldn't prove it.

To make matters worse, we had discovered that Marley had given Paradis tainted wine. Yelena, a Marleyian we had assumed was our ally, had given the wine to the entire military. Wine that contained Zeke's spinal fluid. Meaning that the entire military could be turned into titans at any moment Zeke saw fit. It was more crucial now than ever that we kept Zeke away from Paradis.

Hanji and I were now at the Braus restaurant with other subordinates of the Scout Regiment, including all the brats. Admittedly, things had gotten out of our control. But as long as Levi had Zeke under control as planned, we could still recover from our failings. It was important that we didn't let Floch and Eren find Zeke. We still had no idea what Eren's true intentions were, but my gut told me it wasn't anything good.

"What happens now?" I asked Hanji as they worked with Jean to bathe a survey corps member who was unable to do so himself. "Shouldn't we go find Levi? Staying here after the terrorist attack is just inviting trouble."

"No. With the tainted wine trouble, I don't want any of our military anywhere near Zeke."

"Eren and Floch are out there right now." I argued. "I know I haven't had any of the wine, so I'm safe. What are we even doing aside from sitting on our asses and waiting for something bad to happen?"

"Dani..." Hanji sighed, using the back of their forearm to wipe the sweat from their brow before they continued to sponge bathe the officer. "I know that you're worried but you're not thinking clearly. Levi can handle himself. Even if Eren and Floch turn up, he is more than capable of handling them."

"Are you sure about that? Eren has the War Hammer Titan now. That's a new level of Titan. The armor alone-"

"I don't want to hear any more of this." Hanji cut me off. "There's more than enough bullshit to worry about here without me having to worry about Levi too."

To Die For (Levi x OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt