Thirty Four: Dead or Alive

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I would do anything to see Levi again. Anything but this. If seeing him again meant leading Floch and Eren to him, then it wasn't worth it. How could I be sure they wouldn't kill him?

The sick bastard went to Shiganshina first, leading the Jeagerists to the Cadet Corps division operating out of that district. It was here that he decided the Jeagerists would be operating instead. With Hanji and I present, Floch threatened the cadets into joining him. At their choice to join, he decided the only way they could prove their loyalty was to beat Keith Shadis. Anyone who refused would be thrown in jail. Hanji and I were forced to watch as the cadets beat on Shadis. I wondered if this is how my comrades felt watching my torture. After all was said and done, Floch turned back to me and Hanji.

"Take me to Zeke." He demanded.

Hanji was quick to give up Levi and Zeke's location, but this wasn't enough.

"You two are coming with." He decided. "If he's not where you say he is, I'll execute Dani on the spot."

Hanji nodded in agreement and the two of us were shoved back toward the carriages.

I didn't fear the execution threat simply because I knew Hanji had given them the correct information. All I could hope now was that Levi had handled Zeke so we could prevent him from joining back with Eren.

Looking back to my squad and the brats, I shared their gaze. Each of them watched after us helplessly, not allowed to follow. Connie, Jean, and Luca bristled, on edge now that I was being forced away from them. Not sure what I could do to conciliate them, I gave them an awkward nod. I wished now that I had said more when I had the chance. Thanked them, at least. I may never see them again. Whether that be because I'm killed or because they are.

Hanji helped me onto the carriage, shoving the guns away whenever someone tried to jam one into me to rush me. Hanji's death glare left me uneasy, as well as thankful that I wasn't on the receiving end of it. Once we had loaded up, Hanji made sure to press me into the corner of the carriage, using their body to separate me from the Jeagerists that surrounded us. Although I couldn't tell them, Hanji knew I was grateful for their protective nature over me.

The pain in my body was horrific. My entire left side throbbed, sending pain signals throughout the rest of my body. I couldn't take in a full breath of air, the expansion of my rib cage being too hard to bear. Every muscle in my body twitched and trembled from the pain I was in. The ride out to Levi's location was going to be long and uncomfortable- a torture in itself.

As we headed for the giant forest, the overcast clouds rained down heavily, making it hard to hear the world around us. But nothing could disguise the sound of a thunder spear exploding in the distance. It wasn't too far from our destination, which lead me to believe it was either Levi or another Scout. The use of thunder spears could only mean that Zeke had gotten out of control.

Redirecting, Floch took us in the direction of the explosion. As we drew closer to the scene, I first spotted the Titan, keeled over face first into the dirt. The closer we got, the more I was able to see. A destroyed carriage. Then, by the river, a body.

Hanji ran forward and I staggered after, my breathing labored from the blows to my ribs. We both dropped down beside the body and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It was Levi, his eyes half open, covered in his own blood. He was missing two fingers and littered in deep lacerations. Hanji scooped him into their arms, cradling him in shock.

"Levi?" My voice was soft and breathless as I reached out to touch him. His skin was cold from the rain.

Floch walked up behind me, his gun at the ready. "Captain Levi?" Even he sounded shocked. "I have no idea what happened but we're lucky. Our biggest threat is covered in his own blood."

To Die For (Levi x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon