Chapter 13 (Vampire King)

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Hiroyuki left without saying anything. He was gone within the hour, and I couldn't help but feel a little depressed. But its what had to be done and it proved that Akuhei was suitable to be a strong vampire.

I walked back out to the garden and sat down on the swinging bench that I had previously been sitting on. I stared up at the sky, it was twilight. Akuhei and Hiroyuki had settled things quickly. Almost too quickly. But I still have many things to learn, especially about this demonic world. I wonder when I'll be able to comprehend it all?

"M...Mi...Miyu..." I heard a deep, husky voice stutter.

I stood up quickly and looked around. Akuhei was no where in sight. Something tapped my shoulder and I spun around. A man a couple inches taller than Akuhei was standing behind me. He had messy snow white hair with bright glowing green eyes. As I looked in his eyes I was suddenly reminded of Minowa for some reason.

" Ahhh......" I managed to get out.

I saw his eyes light up and he jumped forward towards me, nearly tackling me. He pushed me to the ground and he pounced on top of me. He began to lick my face, until he stopped and looked up in surprise. Akuhei was running out into the yard.

"Minowa! Get off her! NOW!" he yelled.

My eyes widened. The (I just now realized was naked,which I don't know how I didn't realize it earlier) man on top of me jumped off and ran over to Akuhei.

"Ahhh...... ku....hey!" He yelled and jumped on Akuhei.

I was so surprised and began to laugh. Minowa realized I was laughed and ran back over to me. I quickly shielded my eyes and stifled my laughter.

"W...what la...laughing... a...t?" He managed to ask. I was surprised yet again that he could actually speak and comprehend the human language. He must be a REALLY smart dog.

"I laughing at you, Minowa." I responded, still covering my eyes.

"Wh...why lo..look at" he pestered.

Akuhei stepped forward, "that is because you are in your human form that Hiroyuki switched you into and didn't leave me instructions on how to help you turn back. You need to be dressed in clothing when in this form."

"O...okay. I get ...dr...dressed for my qw....queen." Minowa said and ran off.

"Such a nice dog," I commented walking over to Akuhei," Wait! Queen?!"

Akuhei looked at me in surprise, "Don't tell me you forgot?!? " He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. I blushed at our sudden closeness, "We are to be married. A week from now to be precise."

I pulled back in shock. I actually had forgotten. What am I going to do? I mean it's simple. I say "I do", Akuhei says "I do", we kiss, and yay! We're married. But is that how I works with vampire's and wait a second, QUEEN! Akuhei never answered me about Minowa calling my his Queen. Am I to be the queen of mutts? Ha ha ha ha. That can't be it.

"Hey, Akuhei?" I got his attention from the worry spreading across his face.

"Yes my love?" He answered.

"Answer me about this queen business!" I commanded.

He was shocked for a second then chuckled. "It seems I have forgotten to tell you a major detail of who I am, as well as what I.....well we are destined for."

"What do you me....." I began but was interrupted by a sudden blast of light. It was different from sun light in it didn't give me a migraine like it normally did for vampires, but Akuhei was standing in the center of it and it made it hard for me to look at him. I closed my eyes from the intensity and shielded my face with my arms. I felt the light fade after a few moments and lowered my arms and opened my eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I could feel myself falling deeper in love with the man who enslaved me, apologized for enslaving me and captured my heart many times. He stood a few inches taller than before. His raven black hair now softer than feathers, floated around him. His skin was a shade paler and his lips looked fuller too. His ears were pointed, though the most stunning feature would have to be his glowing bright red eyes that would draw anybody in a sight radius, to their knees. And that's what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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