Chapter 6 (Fatal Encounter)

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I keep tossing and turning in my sleep, even if I didn't want to, I did. I was having a nightmare. The worst of them all. I was being held by a monster. He was staring at me with blood red eyes. It's hair was a mess and face a disaster, It had fangs that were extremely long. I was terrified. I shook like a fur-less cat caught in the cold.

Suddenly, the monstrous thing began to shake me.

" Miyu! Wake up!" It screamed at me," Miyu! Miyu, you need to wake up!"

My eyes burst open and Akuhei is bent over me, hands on my shoulders, shaking and screaming for me to wake up. I looked up at him expecting his gentle smile but saw the monster. Blood red eyes, sharp fangs, messy hair. I nearly jumped out of my skin, closing my eyes, I wished the monster away. I opened my eyes again and Akuhei was looking warily at me.

"Miyu." was all he said as he sat back to let me sit up. I looked at him inspecting to make sure he wasn't the monster, but all I saw was the gentle Akuhei.

I reached a hand up and caressed the side of his face. His skin as soft as porcelain as the moonlight shined through the window. He then suddenly lunged forward pinning me to the bed. There was a flash of red in his eyes.

"Miyu," He started. I remembered this harsh tone from when he tortured me before into obeying," You scared me half to death, though I cannot die. You should have guessed by now but I am not mortal, I am a vampire. Do you know what that means?"

I could not believe the man I am forced to marry is this guy. I did not answer his question and just stared at him.

" Oohhhh, being resilient are we? Well I'll answer that question for you. It means I feed on blood. I have always been given the animal blood that I needed to survive, but having you here is a whole other story. I can feed when I please and how I please. Oh and just a warning, I'm hungry at the moment." He was the devil the testified my trust in Akuhei.

" Your not Akuhei. Not the person I now." I spat in his face.

" Oh really? I think I can testify against that." His grip around my upper arms tightened making me wince in pain. He bent forward are faces growing closer and closer together.

He was clearly Akuhei, but his personality was different. More sadistic than normal. I then realized that tonight was a full moon and the moonlight was shining directly on him, just like the time in the library when he walked closer to me and entered a single moon beam, and like the time when he was standing in the moonlight in the dungeon as he tortured me into obeying. I have recognized a pattern. Akuhei's personality goes dark when hit with moon light and only goes back to normal when fed. I have no choice but to give Akuhei my blood.

" Akuhei," I started and he looked at me, eye to eye, inches from my face," I want you back to the way you used to be., so please, I have no other choice, feed on my blood."

Akuhei's eyes widen in surprise. But soon after a devilish grin spread across his face.

The tip of his noise touched the tip of mine and he forced a kiss. His grip was too strong to escape.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower lip as Akuhei drew blood.

What a ........ different place to feed but I guess it does work better then feeding on the neck. I squirmed under his harsh grip and his weird interest to bite me on the lip.

I continued to squirm as I didn't wish to sleep a long as I did before due to the blood loss. He finally released my mouth and looked at my. I pushed him off of me and sat up. I ran over to the window and closed the curtains.

My head suddenly felt so light that it might lift off my shoulders. My legs collapsed from under me and I fell crashing into the floor. My vision was blurry but I could still make out the things in the room. The pain in my head was unbearable. I wished to pass out but I never did.

Akuhei ran over to me and lifted me into his arms. He was staring at me to make sure I was okay.

" Miyu, I sorry but with the way your body reacts to the feedings you won't survive another. I will have to turn you when you recover." I could feel drops drip on my cheeks and I can just make out that he was silently crying.

He's back to normal. I smile slightly and look up at him. I place a hand on the side of his face and wipe away the tears.

" I-i-i-i-it's okay," I managed to say," D-d-d-don't cr-cry."

His eyes suddenly widen as my hand goes limp and falls to the floor. I could feel my body go limp as well and I black out.

(***Time Change***)

I shift my weight and open my eyes. It's dusk outside and I'm in bed. I remembered what happened and sigh. Now that I've found out when Akuhei feeds, I need to be more careful.

I slip out of the bed and walk over to the window. I open the curtains and look outside. The trees in the forest surrounding the house have all lost there leaves and the roses are full bloom, and just beginning to fall off of the bushes. I sigh. Akuhei is sitting in the middle of the garden reading a book at the stone table, surrounded by roses.

I step away from the window and walk over to the closet. I slipped into a blue and black dress. The dress exposed my shoulders and neck so I put on a thick choker wrap type thing around my neck, that went with the dress, to protect anything that was needed to be protected. I let my hair flow free to give a drastic look to the outfit. My hair neatly reached my knees.

I walked out of the room and walked through the house trying to find the back door to find a way out so I could talk to Akuhei. I walked past the front door and saw that there was a rather large box by it. I walked towards the box and saw that it had not been opened yet.

It was sent to Akuhei and it said it was from some person name Hiroyuki Tsubasa. 'was that a girl or boy's name?' I thought to myself. Well the note written on the side of the larger-then-me box was definitely not a female's penmanship. I randomly poked the box and it moved as if there was something alive inside of it. The box suddenly burst open and a larger than life white dog burst out. It almost liked like a giant white wolf, but with beady red eyes. It looked down at me and growled. I only reached the bottom of his front shoulder blades. The dog bared its teeth at me.

It suddenly lunged forward at knocked me away with its paw. I flew across the room. My back slammed up against the wall and I coughed up blood as the wind was knocked out of me. I fell to the floor in a heap. i attempted to get up and only got to my knees when the animal came back and growled at me again. I felt tears flow from my eyes as it looked at me for a second and it suddenly relaxed its mouth. sat down at closed its eye and what looks like to be smiling at me.

A sudden coughing urge came over me and I began to cough up blood. Blood began to now pour slightly out of my mouth. I looked up at the dog one more time at it was staring at me in awe.

"t-t-take..(coughs)... m-m-me to....(coughs)..... Akuhei." I manged to get out as more blood came out of my mouth. I was now crouched over a pool of my blood.

The dog sniffed the air and them came forward its mouth open and wrapped its jaws gently around my middle. More blood spilled out of my mouth as the animal walked out into the garden. It sent me down about 10 yards from Akuhei and howled at him. I coughed up more blood and collapsed on the ground. The front of my dress was now covered in blood. Akuhei ran over to me. He crouched down next to me. He looked up at the dog who was sitting next to me and stared at it. Hus eyes flashed red for a brief moment and he stood up.

" Go!" Akuhei yelled harshly and the dog stood up and slouched away," We need to do the blood transfusion now. In your current state you are not going to be able to make it another 10 minutes."

I looked up at Akuhei as he picked me up and carried my into the house. Blood continued to spill from my mouth as I lay life life ( but still conscious) in Akuhei's arms.

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