Chapter Five (To start a New)

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" Wait???? What????!!!!????!!!!????" I almost screamed.

"Yes. But there is a slight problem," His father started but then his mother butted in," Because the vampire council has outlawed the marriage of a vampire and a human, Akuhei you will have to turn her."

His mother was now spinning around in circles around the room. I looked over at Akuhei, but there wasn't much to see because he froze. I laid a hand on his shoulder, and he nearly jumped out of his skin. His mother laughed at his actions.

" It's okay my dears. It only hurts a little for the both of you with your blood fuses." She smiled at us as we stared at her.

" Our blood, what?" Akuhei was more shocked then I was. Probably because I'm the type that no matter the situation I can stay calm.

" Your blood and her fuses." She stopped spinning and placed her index finger on her chin and thought." I could have sworn I stated that clearly. "

His mother resumed spinning in circles as his father began to talk, " Yes, it is true. You and her will have to form a blood bond where your bloods will have to fuse. It will only hurt because it is taking to different species and making them one. After the fusion is complete she will be a cross-breed."

" Um, w-w-what is a cross-breed?" I asked.

" A cross-breed is a vampire who was once a human. They are considered holy because the council is entire made up of them and they are the oldest vampires in existence." Akuhei answered before his father could get a word in.

Suddenly the Grad-father clock struck midnight and his father stood up.

" Dear, we need to leave. we won't make it back in time if we don't leave now." His father stopped his wife from spinning and she collapsed in his arms. picking her up bridal style, she hung her head upside down and looked at me and Akuhei.

"Love you my dears. oh and Akuhei, tonight is a full moon you have a month to turn her the sooner the better. Your wedding will be on the new moon after the next full moon." His mother said as she and his father disappeared into the darkness of the mansion.

I heard a open and close of a door and I fell to the ground. I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. My head was pounding. My eyes start to water at the pain and tears stream down my face.

Akuhei drops by my side and places his on my shoulder," whats wrong?" he asks

" M-m-m-my head.....i-i-i-is killing.....m-m-m-me" I manage to say.

"Don't worry. Its just the presence of two powerful full-fledged vampires. It happens to humans a lot. That's why vampires now a days hunt in groups." Akuhei reassured.

He was right now that we had sat like that for about five minutes it was beginning to go away. I went to go stand up and but My feet could not hold me yet and I fell into Akuhei's arms.

" I need something to drink. Can you help me to the kitchen?" I asked him.

He didn't verbally respond, but he did physically. He picked me up bridal style and started walking towards the kitchen.

It was weird. He actually kinda smelled good. As I thought about him and his traits I started blushing. He must have noticed because he was looking at me.

"This might be a good time to say this," he started. Walking slower making our way to the kitchen longer," I need to apologize for the way I've been treating you. I just haven't been around any humans so I don't know how to deal with you. I've realized that the way you act, your actually like a vampire yourself."

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