Chapter 10 (The Demon's Powers and A Daughter's Past)

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Akuhei picked me up bridal style and walked briskly out of the room that the pact was made in. He carried me far away from Hiroyuki as I held my mouth. Hiroyuki kissed my, but it was for the sake of the pact and now my tongue felt hot and steamy.

We got to a room that i gad not seen in the mansion before and Akuhei set me on the love seat. Sitting next to me he demanded, " open your mouth and let me see."

I did as he said he i saw his eyes widen when he saw my tongue.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"The seal of the pact is on your tongue." Akuhei said blatantly.

My hands found their way to covering my mouth at i sat there as Akuhei looked down at the floor.

The sizzling of the seal eventually went down and i looked up at Akuhei," I'm so sorry."

I hung my head and didn't dare make eye contact with him.

"I might forgive you if you sing me a song." Akuhei suddenly requested.

I slowly lifted head. now i remember, this was the room that i had first met Akuhei in. i looked back at Akuhei and he stared into my eyes.

"Stun me and i'll forgive you." he said.

"Ahh, sure but I'm not very good." i said softly.

"Lets hope you are." he said," now come on. sing."

I remembered a some from my child hood that i had heard and loved. i began to sing and by the time i was finished, Akuhei's eye were wide.

I took a deep breath and sighed. When ever i sing that song it fills me with warmth. I smile and look up at him,"so?"

"Where did you hear that song?" He asked.

"Why do you ask?" Okay now I'm confused.

"Just as there are demons and devils, there are angels and creatures of life," he began," that song that you sang is an angel's song. only spoken of in books, you are an exception.though"

" Now that you mention it, mother always sang that song to me in bed." I thought out loud.

"What was your mother's name exactly?" He asked.

"It was Inari Usagi. why?" I responded.

" As I thought, that song belonged the great angel who was cast down from heaven for falling in love with a human. That angel was named Inari Usagi."

My eyes widened in surprise," you mean my mother was an angel?!?!?"

"Yes. that also means that you are half angel as well," he stood up and walked over to the wall and started hitting his head on it," and by changing you into a vampire you are now a demon angel (also called a dark angel) under a contract with a powerful demon. Angels are very powerful to begin with but add blood in your veins from a pure-blood vampire like me and you are very powerful, almost as powerful as Satan or God but a little less then that of course. The only thing holding your powers back now is the contract. You know, I'm sorry I drug you into this life. You could have been so much better off being soley an angel, instead of what I turned you into."

I stood up and walked over to him. Holding his head in my hands I leaned closer to him," I am happy and that's all that matters to me."

He leaned down and kissed me. I was about to kiss him back when my head pounded and I heard Hiroyuki's voice in my head.

"Miyu. come here." He demanded.

I pulled away from Akuhei looking down, avoiding his worried look," I have to go." I said and walked out of the room. It hurt to leave him like that, but who knows what Hiroyuki was capable of. The way Akuhei spoke of him was as if Hiroyuki was Satan himself.

I ran down the hall and to the other side of the mansion. I approached his room and knocked on the door.

"You may enter." Hiroyuki replied, snobbishly.

I cracked the door and walked in. He was sitting on the love seat at the end of his king sized bed. If I wasn't already staring at him, I would have thought he was nearly wearing nothing.

"What do you need?" I asked him.

"Hmmmm. That's a good question. Why not sit here and I'll think about it." He patted the seat next to him.

"i will not sit." I answered blankly.

"Oh, come now, you must sit!" he demanded.

suddenly my body began to move on its own. I walked over to the seat next to him and sat extremely close. i could move my arms and legs after I was seated. It must be Hiroyuki controlling me.

He suddenly put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to his side. I stared at the fire as he began to whisper in my ear," Akuhei praises you, as if he were to kill himself if you left him. At first I didn't know why but know I do, and I want you for myself as well."

i didn't look at him and avoided acknowledging him completely, but I then felt the freshly placed seal on my tongue start to burn and slightly itch. My breathing began to become faster as the seal burned.

"What's wrong?" Hiroyuki snickered. He knew exactly what the matter was.

I final looked at him and saw a wide devilish grin on his face.

"I can fix the burn, though it would only be temporary. Would you like me to?" He asked.

I gave him a grim and serious look as the seal on my tongue felt as if it were on fire. I slowly nodded and a wider grin grew on his face.

"Prepare yourself." he warned, and I was suddenly pushed over and was laying down on the love seat with Hiroyuki on top of me. He brought his face closer to mine and I immediately looked away.

"What are you doing?" I nearly shouted at him.

"What do you mean, what am I doing? I said that I would fix the burn and I even warned you to prepare yourself, but you can't do anything. I control you now. Do you still want the burned healed?" He finally asked.

Of course I did, but I couldn't show much weakness in front of him. He suddenly gripped my upper arms and pulled them above my head. He slid his leg between mine and brought his face closer," Do you want me to fix the burn?"

His voice was powerful. The pain suddenly flared immensely and I gasped as I could literally feel the seal burn. Hiroyuki laughed and took it upon himself to say, " I guess that would be a yes."

He then grabbed my wrists with one hand and held then above my head. He wrapped his other arm around my lower back and pulled me even closer to his body and placed his lips upon mine. I wish I could have struggled but His power was to immense to resist. Even for me. I felt his tongue slowly creep into my mouth and wrap itself around mine.

Tears suddenly fell from my eye. I wish to the world that Akuhei never sees. Slowly the burning died down as Hiroyuki played with my tongue, with his.

Suddenly the door burst open and I saw Akuhei standing in the doorway.

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