Chapter 7 (A Bloody Transformation and a Red Confession)

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He carried me through the house, me limp in his arms still coughing up blood. He set me down in a chair in the bedroom I was staying in. He grabbed a wet cloth and wiped the blood from my front. I was staring out the window trying to subside the pain with my thoughts. I heard a fainted howl in the distance. The sun was setting, it was soon to be dark.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest as my coughing started up again, but even worse. I was now literally vomiting up blood. My back arched in pain. It was unbearable. Akuhei ran to my side and knelt next to me.

"I'm afraid that I can't wait any longer I must transform you now." He said with a horrified tone in his voice.

He the bit my wrist and drank but only a little. clearly he wasn't thirsty at the moment, but he then brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit down sipping up is blood but not swallowing the red liquid. He calmed me down and brought his face closer and closer to mine. he placed his lips on mine and I felt his blood seep into my mouth. He would not pull away and I was force to swallow the liquid.

After I had swallowed his blood and he swallowed mine, he pulled away and a devastating feeling went threw me. I bent over in pain. My eyes wide and my chest and stomach felt as if I were skewered with multiple swords. Pain spread threw my body. I fell to my knees. Everything around my went black though my eyes were still open. The pain was just so terrible the terrible is an under statement.

I laid on the floor as my back arched with pain. I could feel my body go limp after a few minutes of screams and bloody messes. I lay there like a doll as the pain subsided. Not only did I feel different I clearly was different. My eye sight slowly came back to me. I continued to lay lifelessly on the floor afraid tat if I would even move a muscle the pain would return

It had to be at least a half an hour when I could hear Akuhei crawl over to me and look at me in the eyes. I could feel and see tears pouring from his eyes onto my face. He stood up and looked down at me.

"Please stand up so that I know that your really are fine." He whispered, though it sounded as if he wasn't trying to.

I lifted a had up and hoisted myself up. I stood next to his. I could see spots of blood on the floor. the sheets on the bed were torn and Akuhei's front (including his shirt and face) were died red. I walked painlessly over to the mirror and saw that I too was stained red.

My skin was porcelain as if I were turned into a timeless doll. My haired flowed around me. It reached my thighs and was the color of the moon which was a milky silverish white. My eyes were a bright vibrant red. I looked untouchable. My blue and black dress was torn and stained with my blood.

I looked over at Akuhei and I felt tears pour from my face. He walked over to me and wiped to tears from my eyes," We have to get you cleaned up."

With that said he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and helped me to the bathroom down the hall. Surprisingly, for the mansion to look so warn down the bathrooms were actually updated so the there was actually a shower in the bathroom. And not a faucet in the ceiling, but an actual glass shower and a sliver shower head.

"Can you shower yourself?" He asked. I nodded yes and he left with a smirk my way.

I slipped out of the torn dress and walked into the warm shower. I was now a vampire like Akuhei. I would stay like this in this body for as long as I can think. I watched the blood run off me and drain down with the water. I put a hand in front of my mouth and nose. I felt no breath leave my lungs. I wasn't breathing. I knew this was going to happen, so I wasn't shocked or surprised. I stood in the shower for what seem like ages.

Decided it was time to get out, I turned off the water and opened the steamy glass door. I walked out and looked for a towel. I spotted one on the side table next to the shower and wrapped myself up. The dress I wore was already gone and I saw no other clothes in the bathroom. I was going to have to walk down the hall and to me bedroom at the end of it with just a small towel wrapped around myself.

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