Chapter Four (Wait, what?!?!?!?)

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It was suddenly bright. I opened my eyes. I was floating in a black space. It felt like I was in space. I was just floating there. Suddenly A man with black hair and livid green eyes is inches form my face. He looked to be older then me, as well as Akuhei.

" She's too scrawny." The man said.

" Oh come on dear, just look at her features she practically perfect for Akuhei." A women appeared as the man backed away from inspecting me.

" I guess you right but she's still human. I'll have to tell Akuhei to turn her." The man resentfully agreed.

" Oh my goodness! We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Akuhei's mother, and this is his father." The woman said with a fanged smile. Her long silver hair flowed around her as if we were in water.

The man next to her gave me a small smirk. I could see that he had black fangs as well. Akuhei must have gotten his eyes from his mom and hair from his dad.

" Well sorry little dear, but we have to go. Akuhei will be mad if we stay in your dreams any longer." the woman said and they disappeared.

My dreams? What? Suddenly there was a bright light and everything went pitch black.

(***Time Change***)

I was being shook.

"...yu!.....iyu!..... Miyu!...." I opened my eyes to see Akuhei shaking me awake." Miyu! Don't ever scare me like that again!"

" W-w-w-what?" I questioned. "How long was I asleep?"

"It's been a week.And' you need to get up and get dressed in this." he said holding up a black and red Victorian dress." we have company that requests your presence."

That's weird. Nobody that Akuhei knows should even know that I exists, but maybe its them?

I got out of bed and put the dress on. It was beautiful. It fit me perfectly.

There was a knock on the door and Akuhei walked in," ready?" He asked.

I nodded. He lead me down the hall.

" You know, that dress really suits you."He commented

" Th-th-thanks." I stuttered. I don't mean to stutter but i'm scared because Akuhei is being nice. Too nice.

We walked into a candle lit room and to my amazement, His parents were standing there. They turned around and his mother came rushing over to me pulling me up into her arms.

" oooooh! It feels so good to finally hug you." She said.

" Ummm." was all I could say.She set me down and lokoed me up and down.

" Wow!" she awed and looked over at Akuhei." she lookes beautiful. You did an amazing job with picking out her outfits."

Wait, so Akuhei has been picking out my closes for me?!?!?!? Well now that I think about it I feel nobody else living in this mansion besides him.

He mother began playing with my ankle length platinum blonde hair. Her touch was rather delicate. His father looked me down and began talking, " I have suggested you to come here so that we may discuss this issue with both of you."

His mother suddenly got serious and sat down next to his father. " Yes. This isn't a very urgent matter but it is serious."

What was going on? Akuhei took a seat next to me and we looked at His parents.

"Akuhei," his father started," have you or have you not taken this girl in?"

Akuhei looked at his father and nodded. His mother's face grew a grin, but his father's did the opposite.

" And have you or have you not drank her blood?" Her mother cheerfully exerted.

"Yes, I have." Akuhei answered. He had a tone is his voice that said that he was confused. No matter the seriousness of this situation I could help but to blush.

If his mother could, she would have jumped out of her seat and started jumping up and down.

"What is this all about?" I finally butted in, Akuhei nodding in agreement.

"Well you see Akuhei has never drank a human's blood before and the first person that a vampire steals blood from is tied to them for ever." His mother answered cheerfully.

" So, since Akuhei has taken you in, and if I don't remember, and you don't have any other place to go, You and Akuhei are to get married." His father regretfully stated.

" Wait!!! What????!!!!????!!!!????" I could have screamed if my tired vocla would have allowed it.

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