Chapter Three( A Servant)

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" AHHH!!!!! F-f-f-f-fine!" I screamed finally. He stopped to let me speak. I was dripping in blood." Fine. I will obey."

I succumbed to his fury. He had won.

He laughed and removed my chains. I fell to the floor again, as if I were a doll. I looked up at him and he grinned back at me. My eye sight was going and I blacked out.

(***Time Change***)

I opened my eyes. It was dark, and the room around me was lit by the moon. How long was I asleep? I sat up and expected pain to scream through my body but I felt normal. I examined my body. I had no scratches. There was no blood. There was nothing. My skin looked like porcelain. I hate to admit it but I was in his debt, yet again.

I saw an outfit on the end of the bed that i was laying in. I then realized that the outfit that I had on was tron and ripped as if I were attacked, but i wasn't attacked. I was tortured.

I got out of the bed and stripped. My skin really did look like porcelain. I put on the dress that was given to me.

It hugged my body like a glove up top, but flowed down below. It was red with black lace on top. I was also given a pair of lace gloves and black stockings, along with red flats. Looks like i'm not going outside for a while.

I needed to find this guy and find out who he is. And with all my will, maybe thank him for removing my cuts and bruises.

The door to the room opened and he walked in. I yelped when I realized that the back of my dress was buttoned.

" Here. Let me help you with that." he said and walked behind me. To my surprise, his delicate touch zipped up the dress and flattened down the ruffles and creases in the skirt of the dress.

Could he really be that bad? I thought to myself. I mean, He's letting me stay in his home and he's given me clothes and everything to wear. Then I remembered what he did to me. No, He's the devil I cannot trust him.

"There." he said interrupting my inner monologue. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that he had finished tying the ribbon around my middle and had put on my lace gloves as well. My hair was done in a really pretty and unique style. (pictured in media)

" Oh, ummm th-th-thanks." i accidentally stuttered.

"no problem." he said coolly. He took my hand and led me out of the room. As we walked down a dark hallway he continued to hold my hand. I could feel myself blush. Why did he have to hold my hand. His hand was comforting and soft, but ice cold.

We walked into a kitchen.

" Make yourself something to eat then meet me in the library with tea." and he left without another word.

I guess I could just help myself to whatever. There wasn't much,so I grabbed a roll of bread and some jam. I ate while i warmed up water in a teapot and got a tray and put an empty cup and saucer on it. With sugar and a small flask of milk, I put a dish of cookies as well.

I eventually found my way to the library and walked in. He was sitting in the corner reading a book. I walked up to him holding the tray. He put the book down and looked at me.

" How would you like your tea? And would you like some cookies?" I asked.

His hand flew threw the air flinging the tray out of my hands and onto the floor. My feet were covered in hot water. My eyes started to water from the pain the water gave on the tops of my feet.

"You took too long. A splash of milk and 4 cubes of sugar. And I don't eat any food. Now pick it up and take it to the kitchen. Then take off your shoes and stockings to let them dry. after you've finished come back." I finally realized that he was extremely sadistic.

I picked up the broken shards of the cup and saucer and walked out of the room.

I reached the kitchen faster then I had before. I threw the tray and the broken dishes in the sink and flung off my flats. I pulled off the stockings, and started walking back to the library. I don't care if he yells at me for not having shoes on. I don't have any other shoes with me right now, * sticks tongue out* on him.

I walked into the library. It was dark, he must have turned off the light and left the room. I walked in to go and push the chair closer to the desk. I walked towards the desk, but when I reached the front of the desk, the door was slammed shut. I spun around to see a large black object coming towards me. I backed up, and would have gone further back if the desk wasn't in the way. I stared at the black figure as it walked into a moon shaft beaming through the window.

It was only the man of whom I should call master. That reminds me, I don't even know his name.

" Umm. m-m-may I ask b-b-b-but what is your name?" I didn't mean to stutter, it just came out that way. He stood in the moonlight for a couple of seconds staring at me with glowing red eyes.

Suddenly, he lunged forward, catching me off guard, and pinning me to the desk. His mouth was so close to my ear that I could hear him lick his lips.

" My name is Akuhei Muttsuri." I could feel his lips graze my neck as he talk.

" Umm, o-o-okay. A-A-Akuhei, what are you doing?!?!" I sorta panicked.

" Feeding." was all he said, when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my neck.

His fangs pierced my neck and drew blood. I hurt but for some odd f*ing reason felt good too.I attempted to squirm out of his grip, but the more I moved the tighter his grip got.

"Ahhh!!" I screamed. I could feel the blood start to drip down my neck and onto my chest. "A-Akuhei! Please stop!" I managed to get out.

He loosened his grip and lifted his head. I could see the blood he stole from my body, drip from the corner of his mouth. I felt like I was going to puke. He back up from me and let me stand up. I bent over immediately and clutched my stomach. Why the hell would he do that, And why the hell do I suddenly feel so drowsy?

" Stand up." he commanded.

I stood up as I was told, but when I did, I swayed as if I were a tree in the wind. I began to fall over as my eye sight became extremely fuzzy. I felt myself being caught by Akuhei and I managed to make out his face, which was close to mine. I could feel that he was walking taking me somewhere. My head began to split open and a headache made its way through.

"Thank you." He said. Everything in my head stopped and disappeared," I promise from now on the be careful about what I do to you."

I could feel him set me down on a bed that felt as soft as feathers. He then kissed my forehead and I drifted into a deep sleep.

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