Chapter One ( "Will I Stay?")

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*(A/N) just to let you readers know, this is my first story.:p Hope you like it..*

I couldn't take it anymore! the voices inside my head and the feeling in my gut, telling me what to do every waking moment. Let me mention that I've been alone for quite a while now.

My parents were killed in an accident an I have no other living family. I wish I wasn't alone though. I wish it so much, but wishes never come true.

I live alone, well I'm kinda homeless at the moment. Being 16, I'm a little too old for orphanages these days. So I live in the woods. They have been my home for a while now. I have this favorite tree that is like my home and I happen to like to hang upside down in. Hahaha sometimes its really funny because I get so light headed that I end up falling head first on to the ground because I started laughing so hard.

I'm hanging upside down right now actually. It's maybe 6:00-6:30 PM right now. My favorite time of day, because this is when the sun is shining just right and you can see all the fog. You could seriously get lost in these woods within seconds, if you don't know your way.

I opened my eyes. The sun is falling and its getting dark as well and really cold. Its almost winter and I should probably find some place to stay before it gets to cold. I start shivering and jump off the branch, landing on my feet after a back flip.

'I'll start looking for a place right now.' I thought to myself and started walking.

(*** Time Change ***)

I don't know how long I've been walking, but I do know for sure that for the past 2 minutes or so I can hear someone singing. I walk towards the voice. Its some what hypnotizing . Even though I can't make out what he is saying. The guys voice is almost indescribable. All I can say is that 1. it definitely is a guy's voice, and 2. I guess I could say that its some what deep.

I spot a clearing up ahead as the voice gets louder. The forest breaks and i see a large house. So large it looks like a mansion. worn down an covered in vines its looks like majestic palace. I can hear the voice from inside.

I walk up to the front door and open it, revealing a worn out inside. I follow the voice leading me up the grand staircase and to the left. I came to a giant double door. The voice, or should I say the person singing was just inside. I opened the door to see the window on the other side open letting the slight but surely breeze in. There was a man standing in the window.

Maybe about 18, the guy was skinny and tall. He looked sad with profound features. The moon reflected in his dark red eyes. His long black hair was down and flowed in the breeze. His singing was hypnotizing. I could make out that the song was in Japanese. I opened the door wider and I stumbled in. I accidentally made too much noise and he stopped and looked over. Realizing that I was a stranger his eyes flashed red.

I realized that I had come into the house without permission and was trespassing, I started freaking out. But before I could start to physically freak out he disappeared for a mere second and appeared in front of me. I jumped and took a step back, realizing the door had slammed shut I had nowhere to go.

"What do you think your doing in here?" He asked.

"I, um, I over heard you singing and it was really good and I was hypnotized and I accidentally just walked in here." I replied. I kept moving back till I pinned myself up against the door. He hadn't moved, though.

I moved my hands behind my back and fiddled with the door behind me as he stared at me. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my palm. I bring my hand in front of me and saw that I had cut myself on the old door and that my hand was now dripping with blood.

Now that I had realized the cut my hand started to hurt. It began to hurt more and more. I crouched down to the ground holding my hand. There was a small pool of blood on the floor.

"Does it really hurt that bad?" he asked.

I looked up at him and shook my head.

"I'll fix it if you stay here forever and never leave. you'll become my prisoner and servant as punishment for trespassing. Its also getting cold so you also have no choice. you don't have a home anymore I know that for sure." he snickered.

He was cruel, I could see that, but could I refuse a home to stay in?

" So will you stay, Miyu?" he glared at me.

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