chapter 15 \|/ a promise

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—The Ronettes

Lucifer stared into the ceiling, his eyes burning into the darkness above him.

God he couldn't sleep..

He couldn't sleep since the 'night' that Alastor and him shared. It had been a couple days, long nights, and too short of mornings.

Their mornings were somehow different, like a unspoken barrier was wedged in between the two. Alastor kept their conversations short, and it's not like Lucifer tried all that much either.

'He could tell when he wasn't wanted..'

But all Lucifer could think about was the quick gaze Alastor always had on his belt, and the biscuits and apple jam he started receiving with his pancakes.

Lucifer let his fingers graze his temple.

'Alastor kissed his temple.'

'That couldn't mean anything, right?'

'Alastor is french? Ish??! He can speak it! He could just of.. Shit..'I don't even know..'

Lucifer cringed at himself, curling into a ball, and forcing his eyes shut.

'I kinda like the 'Will they, won't they' Act...Maybe I should be more outgoing—'

—This was a problem for tomorrow Lucifer.

Tomorrow Lucifer could decide what he wanted.



Turns out, 'Tomorrow Lucifer' couldn't wake up for breakfast.

So.. late dinner it was.

"Hmm, can you get me an appletini, heavy on the apple.. Like also get me apple." Lucifer smiled at the bartender.. Musk? Husk? He couldn't remember.

"You're drinking this late, and you look like you just woke up?" Husker slid the drink across the bar.

"Oh whatever. Do you get off on judging me or what?" Lucifer smirked and sipped on the drink.

"I'm just saying, cut back a little. Not everyone enjoys taking care of an alcoholic." Husk rolled his eyes and nodded his head behind Lucifer. Lucifer followed his gaze to a table, where a head of brown hair was serving a couple with a wide grin.

"What are you implying?" Lucifer tore his gaze away from those rolled up sleeves carrying two trays of food.

"Look, I'm just sayin' you shouldn't dri—" Husk's jaw dropped.

"Oh Husker~ There's my favorite bartender." A strong Italian accent rang in Lucifer's ear. A skinny and lean figure leaned against Lucifer's shoulder, placing a head on the left of his face. Then two arms leaned against Lucifer's other shoulder and he felt another face breathe close to his ear.

"And who's this looker?" Lucifer flushed, digesting the strong australian accent in his ear. Husk rolled his eyes and groaned, paying no mind the the panicking blonde.

"Get me something sweet. Do you like sweet things?" The australian voice whispered in his ear, ending it with a firm kiss on his lobe.

"I—I, you—" Lucifer fidgeted, obviously a little uncomfortable.

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