part 17 \|/ strangers in the night (PART 2)

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—Frank Sinatra

Slowly, people made their way back into the ballroom, and that's when the lights turned off, the food was released, and the music turned on. The band consisted of a lot of jazz, which Lucifer was oh-so grateful for. It made Alastor ecstatic.

Lucifer smiled as their hands slowly interlocked, and then the music for a waltz played and all Lucifer could focus on was not stepping on feet.

Then started dancing, and that's when Lucifer realized.

'Why do I care what Alastor thinks?'

Lucifer thought about it for another second before he was pulled away by another water person wanting to dance with Lucifer Morningstar.

Then it was another person.

Lucifer felt himself craning his neck to find his dance partner, and soon enough he was face to face with the bride herself.

"What's up, your majesty." Beezlebub smiled, her sultry tone already telling Lucifer she was drunk.

"I know we've had our differences, but I can't believe you didn't tell me you were getting married. I would've helped!" Lucifer

"Well funny enough, that wasn't apart of our deal, and shit, can we talk about this later? It's my big day!" Beezlebub giggled, and Lucifer felt himself smiling before they switched partners again.

Lucifer danced a tad more before he quickly got bored.

'Ugh. I need a drink.'

Lucifer eventually made his way out of the dance floor, and stumbled his way to Husk.

"Hey! How are ya?" Lucifer said with fake enthusiasm, sitting himself down.

"Appletini, and no I don't know where Alastor is." Husker dryly replied, sliding a drink across the bar.

"God, you know me so well, it's honestly a little scary." Husk just shrugged, and suddenly smirked and came close to Lucifer's face.

"Well, prince charming is on his way." Husk snorted, moving on and talking to another person who needed booze. Lucifer swallowed his drink quickly, and he quickly smoothed out his hair.

"I've been looking for you. I cannot believe how busy it is." Alastor rolled his eyes, and leaned close on the bar. Lucifer retaliated by scooting closer.

"I thought you guys had weddings all the time?" Alastor shrugged, and flipped so he could see the crowd of people.

"Surprisingly, it's been busier, but this is the first time they didn't let the press in, usually people will just make a party anywhere, but now they're only restricted to this ballroom."

"And to be honest, I usually only sing or serve with Husker during weddings. Consider yourself lucky." Alastor finished with a swallow, looking back at Lucifer with a smirk.

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