Chapter 13

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When Zeke woke up, he realized that they were all in a different place. There were humans, vehicles, and tall buildings of steel, everywhere. He felt relieved that they made it out and he felt scared as well.

Zeke: Asher? Asher, where are we?

He looked around and then noticed that Asher was lying down on snow, unconscious and barely clinging to life.

Zeke: No.

His voice shakey. He went down to kneel down but he saw Enoch's shadow and looked behind him to see Enoch loading an arrow, about to fire. 


He guarded Asher.

Enoch got knocked aside by Rubble and he shot restraining devices at him that kept him down on the ground.

Zeke was confused.

Zeke: What?

Rubble: Zacharias! Take the little guy far away from here!

Zeke was about to ask but Rubble yelled again.

Rubble: Just go! Get outta here! I'll hold him back!

Zeke nodded.

Zeke: Thank you.

He grabbed Asher and ran. 

Rubble went back and noticed that Enoch replaced his body with a straw doll in the restraints.

Enoch materialized from behind him and stabbed him all the way through from behind his back. This didn't kill Rubble, because he was an Element Shifter. His body crumbled a little from where the swords were.

Enoch: What are you doing? I thought we were in this, together.

Rubble: I'm not a murderer, Enoch!

Rubble fell back to crush him, but Enoch vanished and appeared above him, about to stab him again. Rubble got up by his feet and kicked him. Enoch flew and landed on the front of the bus, damaging it. The bystanders ran away in fear.

Rubble: So stop tryin' to make me one!

Enoch laughed.

Enoch: Not a murderer? Oh, that's rich. Then what are you doin', taggin' along?

Enoch attacked Rubble, cutting off his arm, but his arm turned into rock and formulated back onto his body again, stone by stone. Once it was fully formed, he grabbed his brother by the neck and pushed him onto the ground.

Rubble: We both know why. Because I'm supposed to look after you, like I promised our mother. I'm trying to protect you!

Enoch squirmed out of his hold.

Enoch: Get off me! 

Enoch vanished again, but Rubble sensed him trying to attack from behind him and used his axe to knock him backwards.

Enoch: You weren't there for me when he did this to me.

He says bitterly, gesturing to the mechanical parts on his body. Rubble's breath hitched with nothing to say.

Enoch: You just stood there and watched behind a wall. Like a scared little boy.

Enoch was about to attack again but Rubble punched him and knocked him back again.

Rubble: I'm not the one who's scared, E. You're the one who's hidin' in the shadows, behind your mask. You keep up the tough guy act of "Oh, I hate everybody" and "Imma burn the world down". But naw. I know the real you. You're scared. You're scared of him. You're scared that he's gonna crawl back into your mind and just remind you how weak and fragile you really are. 

W.O.L.V.E.S.: Canine CommandoesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz