Chapter 19

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We open do a new scene that looks like the outside of an old, dirty broken down warehouse.

Here's a thing about Saul. It was a good thing that he doesn't know about our secret base. The only bad news was that we didn't know about his, either.

Inside, Saul was watching monitors of the city, with a blank look on his face. Dr. Laban came into the room, clearly with a distressed look on his face. This made Saul scowl even more.

Saul: What is it, Doctor?

Dr. Laban: I got news from 'Acchaeus, sir. They struck again. There were no survivors.

Saul groaned, displeased with the news.

Saul: It figures. They are like spiders. They scurry about and make webs when you least expect it, and then they disappear. Not even the police can find them. Take a look, Doctor. What do you see?

Laban looks at the screens and answer.

Dr. Laban: Just ordinary people living their lives, sir.

Saul: Exactly. They can't help me find these men, because they know nothing about them. They would rather spend their lives in their own daze, attached to devices, just sleep walking with no direction. This is exactly why I've grown to dislike the outside world. Any word on the escapees, Doctor?

Dr. Laban: Nothing, sir. We've looked everywhere.

Saul: Well, then look harder. I need to find them, as they are essential to my plan. Very essential.

All of a sudden, someone walked in. Saul looked at the figure in pleasure, while Laban looked at him in fright.

Dr. Laban: (surprised) Impossible.

Saul: Ah, Habakkuk. You bring good news, I hope.

The scene pulls up to see that Scrudder was alive. A side of his face was covered by his hair and the shadows.

Scrudder: Far from it.


Scrudder: They came in, undetected. They wore disguises. No warning. No clear answer as to how they got in. They must've gotten some kind of outside information.

Dr. Laban: It's Japiotho. He's like their spy. He knows his way around places.

Scrudder: They killed everyone and barely left me alive.

He brushed aside his hair as the scene shifted to see only Saul and Laban's reactions to seeing his face. The scene shifted again to see he brushed his hair back in place, again.

Saul: What did you tell them?

Scrudder: Not much.

Saul: I need a clear answer, Habakkuk. What do they know?

Scrudder: They only know that we're transporting the prisoners and about the project. But you are right not to tell me what it is. Or about the location of Lazarus's Tomb.

Saul: Yes, but they won't stop until they find out.

Scrudder: Luckily, neither do we.

Saul: And I will make sure of it.

Then Saul brings out a gold masquerade mask.

Saul: Apologies, Habakkuk, but the new look is unsettling.

Scrudder takes it and puts it on his face.

Scrudder: Of course, sir.

Saul: Now, since Zacharias and his friends make their own back door into our business, we need our own backdoor.

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