
883 55 4

Jordan- Will

Jordan- Will

Jordan- You can't seriously be mad that I asked you that!

Will- I'm not mad

Jordan- Well you seemed mad when I asked yesterday

Will- Fuck off

Jordan- Awe somebody is a little cranky

Will- I said fuck off!

Jordan- You sure sound defensive about that question

Will- It's a personal question and I didn't want to answer it, what the hell was I supposed to say!

Jordan- Yes?

Will- Yes what?

Jordan- Yes, you're gay?

Will- You can't be serious, just UUgh!

Will- When will you stop texting me?

Jordan- When you stop answering

Jordan- ffs Will I didn't mean it

Jordan- Will

Jordan- WiLL !!

Jordan- Fine bye

Bruh I hope that was good 😂

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