twenty six

554 43 41

Trigger Warning: Mention of rape, read at your own risk

- Jordan's POV -

I woke up in bed, naked, with someone laying next to me. Wait, what the fuck? Eva? No please tell me we didn't have sex. I cheated on Will.

Wait, but he cheated on me. That little coward, hiding away from me so he doesn't have to face me. Fuck him. He's dead to me.

I slowly turned to face Eva. "Hey Eva, good morning." I said softly into her ear. This didn't feel right. At all, but hey I would get used to it right? I would learn how to forget, right?

Oh how wrong I was.

- Will's POV -

I sat still as the tears poured down my face. How could he? He told me he loved me, and now I truly have no one. My parents found out I was gay and kicked me out of the house.

Why is loving the person I want to love wrong? Love is love.

I was now homeless and I knew that Jordan wouldn't take me in because well, he's already forgotten about me.

It's almost Christmas and all I want for Christmas this year is to be wrapped up in Jordan's arms, as if nothing bad happened.

I want him to give me the small little kisses, full of love and adoration, that he gives me when I lay in his lap.

More than anything I want to get out of here so I can see Jordan one last time and maybe make things right. Sadly, he probably doesn't love me anymore. He's already forgotten about me.

The door slammed open causing my head to pound. My lips were dried and chapped. My clothes was torn and there was dried blood all over my body. I was a mess.

I watched as a shadowy figure came towards me and pulled me up.

A blindfold was placed over my eyes and my breath hitched as I realized my clothes were being taken off.

"Stop! Stop!" My pleas came out as muffled yells. "Stop screaming. I will only say this once or this punishment will be much worse." The same low voice said.

I was left completely nude and felt cold hands rub up and down my thighs. "So pretty." He growled lowly. I screamed one last time as he placed a gag on me.

He flipped me around and stuck his cock into my hole. I screamed a muffled yell as he hadn't used any lube. He thrusted in and out faster and harder by each second that passed. The tears kept rolling down my face. The pain only increased and soon I felt liquid dripping down my legs.

"I'm gonna set you free now pretty boy because you were so good." He whispered into my ear. The pace at which my tears fell increased. I was in so much pain I couldn't even think straight and I just nodded my head.

He dragged me through the floor naked. Once he had dragged me outside, he threw my torn and dirty clothes at me. "Leave!" He screamed. I scrambled to get up but fell again as the pain in my lower region was unbearable.

I slowly crawled/dragged myself out of the gate surrounding the house. The gate closed behind me and I was reduced to loud sobs. Everything came crashing down on me. The thought that Jordan doesn't love me anymore, I was raped, and I got kicked out of my home for being gay.

I slowly pulled on my dirty boxers and stained clothes. I dragged myself into an alley and laid behind a dumpster. There was blood dripping down from my sore bum and dried up cum mixed with blood on my legs.

The tears continued falling down my face. I have no one. I'm worthless.

I closed my eyes and saw myself walking into mine and Jordan's home. I was bringing groceries back. "Jordan!" I called. Nothing. I go upstairs and notice the door to our bedroom is closed. "Jordan?" I say. I slowly open the door and see Eva and Jordan in bed making out.

- Jordan's POV -

"Eva babe, I'm gonna go get us some food." I say and kiss her on the cheek. "Alright babe, I love you." She gushes.

Instead of taking my car, I decide to just go walking since the store isn't too far. As I'm walking past an alley, I hear light whimpers. I decided to investigate and walk in cautiously.

I hear a noise behind a dumpster and hear a small voice. "J-jordan.." It whimpers. I freeze in my spot. Will?!

Wrong Number // kianiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin