
978 68 54

Jordan- hey hoe

Will- I ain't no hoe

Jordan- sorry princess

Will- it's alright

Jordan- ...

Will- Jordan

Will- I uh think

Will- I think I like you

Jordan- You don't

Jordan- You think you do, but you don't

Will- I KNOW I like you

Jordan- Will I'm sorry but I don't return the feelings

Jordan- I'm not gay

Will- oh

Will- It's fine, just pretend I never said anything

Will- I hope I didn't make things awkward

Jordan- I have to go now

Jordan- Talk to you later?

Will- Yea sure

Stupid people throwing a damn birthday party in the park and in this weather. It was cloudy and it was probably going to rain later. "Will hurry! You're gonna be late!" My mom yelled. I quickly grabbed my phone stuffing it into my pocket. I didn't want to go but I didn't want to be rude either. I was already sad as it is and I didn't need my mom yelling at me.

I went outside and my mom locked the door behind me. Halfway there I mentally kicked myself for not wearing a jacket. I thought about turning back but me being my lazy self, didn't.

"But hey, it couldn't get any worse." I muttered under my breath. And just my luck, it started sprinkling. "For fucks sake!"

When I finally got to the park, it had stopped raining but I was completely soaked. I was shivering and my teeth were chattering. I was getting frustrated and my eyes started watering. Why didn't I just go home?

I turned around to go home but was met with the most beautiful pair of green eyes. "Are you okay? You're soaked! Here take my jacket." He said with concern in his eyes. Before I could even stop him he placed his jacket around my small frame. "N-no I can't take your jacket." I stuttered. "It's fine, princess." He smirked.


oh god I'm so sorry this is so bad..
I wanted it to be cute..

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