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Jordan- Will

Jordan- You have to listen to me

Jordan- I didn't text you that!

Jordan- I don't find you annoying at all

Jordan- In fact I think it's the opposite

Jordan- Remember that girl I told you about?

Jordan- My clingy ass girlfriend

Jordan ex-girlfriend*

Jordan- it was her!

Jordan- the jealous little bitch

Jordan- she was the one that told you to stop texting me

Jordan- You have to believe me

Jordan- Fuck

Jordan- Will please!

Jordan- I just want you to know

Jordan- I love you

I glared at the girl in front of me. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled. She smirked and said,"You're my boyfriend what do you expect, I get jealous and that loser kept bothering you." I felt anger broil inside me. She had no right to talk to Will like that. "You want to see some magic? Boom bitch, you're single!" I said angrily. It's really a relief to get rid of this clingy hoe, never leaving me alone. Jordan no, you can't leave me! I love you." She pleaded. "That's nice, but I don't return the feelings." I said.

I walked away leaving her there stunned. She should've seen it coming! Cheating on me once and thinking I wouldn't find out. I still stayed with her though, I'm such an idiot.

Right now I have to find a way for Will to forgive me. I would do something sweet but the loser won't give me his damn address. So I have to wait until he texts me back and I don't have much patience.

Will- Wait what?

Will- You love me?

Jordan- yeah

Jordan- you're like a little brother to me

Will- oh

Jordan- do you forgive me? Even though I didn't really do anything

Will- Yea I forgive you

Jordan- thank goD! I can't stand when you're mad at me

Jordan- because then I don't have anyone to annoy

Will- I hate you

Jordan- my feeling is hurt

Will- ....

Will- sorry that I hurt your FEELING

Jordan- I'm going out, you're no fun 😩

Will- you can't go

Will- I have nothing to do!

Jordan- you should go out to a club or a party!

Jordan- get some dick

Jordan- GET LAID

Will- I don't like going to clubs or parties..

Will- JOrdaN STop

Jordan- you're like a flower

Jordan- you're too innocent

Jordan- and nice

Will- am not!

Jordan- talk to you later..

Jordan- princess

Will- fuck off you ass

Will- sorry that was rude

I love this chapter :')

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