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Jordan- Whats wrong? Do you need me to come over?

Will- No I'm fine, I just.. yea I'm fine

Jordan- You know I care about you and you can trust me right?

Will- Yeah, I know but I'm fine don't worry

Jordan- It's hard to not worry when you say "don't worry"

Will- I don't want you to come over until we truly know each other

Jordan- Well we can learn more about each other over a nice dinner!

Will- No!

Jordan- Why not? We're friends, we're supposed to hang out

Jordan- Don't you trust me?

Jordan- I remember you wanted me to come over and I said no...

Jordan- what's going on with you Will?

Jordan- Will?

Jordan- WILL

Jordan- Bitch fell asleep on me

Double update because this one is short :)

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