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Kirishima was bandaging Denkis hands while Ojiro sat behind him so that Denki was in Ojiro's lap, he had his arms wrapped around him. Denki was processing what Iida had just said, then Momo added,
"Hunny, is there something you.would rather be called, instead of Kaminari? You don't need to tell us the reason why you would prefer something different, but if there is we would be grateful to know." It wasn't too surprising that it was Iida and Momo saying this because they were like the class parents, however it still seemed to suprise Denki.

After a few seconds he was finally able to stutter a response,
"...I um... I prefer t-to just be c-called D-Denki please..." Momo gently smiled and Kirishima patted his head, he sounded so scared to ask something that small of them. It broke their hearts to hear him so scared.
"Well done baby," Mina said sweetly, patting his head.

Everyone was very supportive and accepting, it made Denki happy. In the end Denki, Ojiro and Mina fell asleep on the sofa together, Denki lying down with his head in Ojiro's lap and Mina hugging him waist down. They stayed like that until Denki woke up at 6am. Mina and Ojiro stayed lying on the sofa peacefully sleeping, he continued to get up and go into the kitchen, Iida was standing there making breakfast with Bakugou. Denki made himself a coffee without a word, he knew the chances where that Shinso would come to get another coffee seeing as he barely slept.

"Morning Denki." Iida said, Denki flinched from suprise at the use of his name, he smiled. Bakugou stopped what he was doing and went over to him, he hugged Denki.
"You should talk to him at one point." Bakugous tone held no hostility, it was rare to hear him so soothing and calm, it was rare for most people at least, certain people are always treated like this by him. Denki sighed and smiled slightly again, a hint of fear in his eyes. He nodded then

Then Shinso walked in.

Denki's breath instantly hitched, his face going pale. The exchange was silent, Shinso looking the timid Denki up and down, he looked shocked and guilty. Denki stood there shaking, his legs weak and tears attempting to break through to the surface. He looked scared of Shinso.

Shinso shook his head, as if it would change what had just happened. The dead is immediate. Shinso stood there silently for a few minutes before going to get another coffee. As the dripping of the coffee machine rang through the silence, Bakugou and Iida continued with their morning tasks. The silence became unbearable, Shinso looked Denki dead in the eyes before signalling to follow him. Denki immediately went to follow him, he didn't even think about it, as if his brain was wired to do as he was told. He follows Shinso into his room.

Word count: 495

Hidden behind the smile •MonoShinKami• ~Denki angst~Where stories live. Discover now