Love... For both?

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The two boys were stunned. Both staring dead at him. Then Shinso turned his head to Monoma and they appeared to have a silent exchange, words that couldn't be said. Neither knew how to react. But Monoma knew this couldn't be the end of this conversation.
"Denki... Why the hell would you ever be satisfied enough to... To just see him happy..." Monoma sounded confused, but with every word, a distress crept into his tone.

The noise was so sudden that both Denki and Shinso jumped, Monoma was crying. Again. Denki was utterly bewildered.
"Why on Earth would I hate you? You have every right to hate me" Denkis voice muttered through Monoma's shaky breaths.
"I'm happily with the one YOU LOVE! I'm with the boy that YOU are in love with! Yet you still smile and act so damn joyful around me!" Monoma put his hand over his mouth, his breath quickening as more tears fell. To his surprise, Denki smiled and laughed slightly, the pain still evident, but it was a genuine laugh. Shinso was about to say something he would regret in an attempt to defend his boyfriend before he was swiftly cut off by Monoma's hand lifting to silence him. When Denki spoke, his words were gentle and leaked into them both like honey on toast.

"I love you both. I know it's strange but I fell in love with both of you, I guess you only noticed my reaction when Shinso was around but I love you just as much as I love him, that's why I'm content in just being friends, because both of the people I love are happy... You have each other, I always knew it would never work-"
"Polyamoury?..." Shinso whispered like his eyes had just been opened for the first time. "Liking or loving more than one person at once-"
"Poly is only with relationships," Denki interups the smile never wavering. "Please can I go now? And what time is it?"
They stood in silence for another 5 minutes before Shinso finally responded.
"It's 7:30... Time went fast... And... Can we talk for a bit longer...?"
"Sure but I need to take my ADHD meds first," Denki said guesturing to the door that Monoma was still blocking. Monoma was still in shock.

Denki gently tapped him,
"Please can you let me out Monoma... If your worried I'll run off you can come with me?..."
They both nodded as Monoma stood up and opened the door, watching as Denki walked through the door first. They proceeded to the kitchen where Denki went over to Iida and asked him to get his medication, Iida gave it to him and watched as he took it, it appeared to be a routine, they assumed Denki had a problem with portions which was partially right. As soon as that was done Denki immediately, as he promised, went back to Shinsos room with them.

"D-Denki, can you stay here while I go outside to talk with Shinso?" Monoma asked, his voice still shaky and worried. Denki nodded and went on his phone, that was that. Shinso and Monoma didn't return for an hour and a half. Of course they didn't realise it had been that long but Denki was good with time if he had to wait.

Word count: 562

Hidden behind the smile •MonoShinKami• ~Denki angst~Where stories live. Discover now