One Thing and The Interview

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Am I? Can asks as he tilts his head to look into her eyes.

Not trusting her voice, Sanem nodded her head vigorously.

We have alot to talk about, Sanem, he said gently, taking her all in with his eyes.

Finding her voice, she answered softly, Yes we do and I'm trying to find the right words. 

Not realizing that everyone had stopped dancing long ago and the lights were coming on, signaling the end of the event, Sanem reluctantly let go of Can's neck and said, Can we talk tomorrow? 

Yes, of course, I'll be waiting for you, Can answered as he eased his hold on her waist some, not really wanting to let her go.

Nodding, Sanem pulled away slightly to leave when she saw Leyla walking up with Emre.

But Can pulled her back quickly and bent down so he could speak softly into her ear, his beard tickling her cheek causing her body to shudder again.

And Sanem...I did find my albatross mate. I just need to know that she's still mine, he whispered, before letting her go and walking out of the door.

Sanem, are you alright? Leyla asked as she saw Sanem's flushed face and her hand on her chest.

Hmmm, she answered as she reeled from the flurry of emotions that Can Divit had just left her body in.

As Can walked towards the car park, Nehat was waiting for him by his vehicle.

Can, it's time that you and I spoke, he said as they got into the car.


Sanem didn't know how she got home that night. Can had given her hope that maybe they could find a way back but she needed to tell him everything as soon as possible.

She checked the time when her phone rang, seeing that it was Yusef.

Hey, is everything alright? she asked as she sat up in her bed.

Sanem, I'm so sorry to call this late but I'm in a bind. The meeting with the manufacturer had to be moved up to tomorrow in Kirac and I can't get out of here for another 2 days. I really need you to take the meeting, Yusef said as he checked his laptop for the details.

Well, I don't know if I can handle that one on my own but I'll try, Yusef, she said nervously.

You can do this, Sanem. Everything about this business has come from you and your amazing heart. If you have any questions that you don't know how to answer, just tell them that you need to consult with your partner. I believe in you! Now, I'm emailing you the information and details. Call me on the way back and let me know how it went, he said confidently.

Alright, I'll do that then. Thanks for the encouragement. Talk to you tomorrow, she said, feeling a little stronger after his words of support.

When she got ready for bed, she knew she would need to relax if she was going to get any sleep so she picked up Can's book and as much as she fought to put it down as she had been doing, the need to read it all overtook her. 

It was so emotional. So beautiful. She felt every word that he wrote and marveled at his command of the written language. She cried reading the break up scene and although it was not like what they had experienced, it felt like she was there. 

Reliving that evening on the rocks, her heart broke with what she had put him through. But his telling of the protagonists'  reunion, the forgiveness, the hope and the love that had never been lost gave her hope once again.

She fell asleep cradling it in her arms as if it were Can Divit himself.


Nehat led Can to the pier so that they could talk in private and he silently sent up a prayer that this would end well.

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