What Are You Hiding?

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???'s Perspective-

I hummed as I watched the superhero of this town talk to a guy in a red sweater.

"These two seem close. ...very close." I smirked as I zoomed up on him.

"Seems we have a new target to aim on."

One Day Later-

"So have you finally realized that I'm a superhero?" I asked, flicking Grian's forehead. I had been talking to him while being Hot Guy as well as Scar to try and get him to feel a bit more comfortable with the town. I had been making progress as Scar, but as Hot Guy it was a bit trickier. But he warmed up to my teasing, which is a start.

Grian scoffed, "In your dreams."

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"You're a piece of work, you know that?"

"You're one to talk."

"Oh- wowww. I'll make sure not to help you next time someone fights you."

Grian giggled and I smiled softly before sighing.

"You know, being a superhero kinda sucks though." I said, shrugging.

Grian tilted his head.

"I mean, I struggle with building up close relationships with people. I have to spend time protecting everyone else instead." I explained.

"You have to put others' problems in front of yours." Grian said and I nodded.


We stood in silence before I grabbed my bow and winked.

"I gotta do one more round around the city. Later!"

Grian waved goodbye and I left.


I sighed as I collapsed on my bed. I saw that I had many missed texts and calls from Adam, asking where I was.

I shot up, stressed. I had completely forgotten about how he wanted to hang out with Joel and I today.

'Shoot! Sorry man, I got busy' I texted.

'You sure everything's okay? That's like the third time this month'

I sighed, knowing he couldn't know the truth.

'yeah, I'm okay thanks :)' I responded before putting my phone down.

Adam's Perspective-

I grumbled and pocketed my phone.

"Why do you wanna hang out with Scar so much anyway?" Joel asked.

"I don't know, I guess I just wanna make sure he's okay." Adam said, shrugging, "He's been missing our hangouts a lot."

"Oh...well he's busy, you know?"

"With what?"

Joel shrugs and Adam narrowed his eyes.

"Come on, let's just play some Mario Kart." Joel said, quickly changing the subject.

One Month Later-

Adam sighed as he laid on his bed, his older sister, Celeste sitting on the nearby beanbag.

"So what are you freaking out about?" She asked as she was scrolling through Etsy on her computer.

"Scar! He and Joel keep acting weird and whenever I try and schedule a hangout with Joel and Scar, Scar sometimes misses them."

"Maybe he's got a girlfriend or something that he doesn't wanna tell you about."

Adam sighs, "I don't know...it's like he's keeping something from me. I think I'm just losing my mind."

Celeste laughs, "Well that's obvious."

Adam glares at her and Celeste smirks.

"I just feel like I'm being left out..." Adam said and Celeste frowns.

"Well maybe you should ask them about it if you're worrying."

Adam hesitates before shrugging.

"Yeah, I'm gonna call Joel."

"Have fun, let me know how it goes." Celeste said, grabbing her laptop before leaving.

Adam grabbed his phone and dialed Joel's number.


"Sup loser." Joel answered and Adam rolled his eyes.

"Hey idiot. I have a question for you."

"Did you forget what 2+2 equals?"

"Shut up! Look, this is important."

"Alright, what's up?"

Adam sighed, "What's going on with you and Scar?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...like...it seems like you're hiding something from me. And it's really bugging me. You guys always act weird, and then Scar sometimes misses our hangouts...what's going on?"

Joel laughed nervously, "I...hey how's Sarah doing? I haven't heard much about her from you- "

"Joel, you're even using my ADHD to your advantage. You keep distracting me whenever I talk about Scar. Just...what's going on?"

There was silence before Joel sighed.

"It's not my story to tell..." He mumbled.

"Please...I just want to know."

Joel hesitated, "You're not any better at keeping secrets, right?"

"I'm getting better! I just want to make sure our friend is okay and that he's not just trying to avoid me..."

"I promise you, Scar's not trying to avoid you- "

"Then tell me why he's constantly not showing up to our hangouts."

Joel sighed, "Alright...I will. Just...don't freak out, alright?"

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