A Day Out

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Scar's Perspective-


Scar skipped up to Grian's door and knocked on it.

Andrew opened the door and let Scar inside.

"Grian's just upstairs practicing his lines for the school's play." Andrew said, smiling at Scar.

"Cool, thanks." Scar nodded, walking over to Grian's room and knocking on the door.

Grian opened it and blushed as he saw his boyfriend.

"Hey Muffin! How's memorizing lines going?"

"Oh uh- pretty well."

"What role did you get?"

"Harry Potter."

"I thought it was a Hufflepuff centric play."

"Yeah, but Harry's still there, just kind of...stupid. I don't know how to explain it."

"Are Ron and Hermione there too?"

"Um...about that." Grian giggled, "Ron's actually a mop in the play."


"What?" Scar asked, confused.

Grian laughed.

"What did you do to him?" Scar asked and Grian couldn't stop laughing.

"No, he's like always just a mop! I don't know how to explain. That's just the way it is." Grian giggled and Scar laughed as well.

"I guess I should start calling you The Chosen One, hm?" Scar asked, smirking.

Grian blushed, "I swear I hate you."

"Your texts over the past week say otherwise."

Grian giggled, "I hate youuuu."

Scar chuckled.

"Now come on, ready for our date?"


Scar held Grian's hand as they walked around the aquarium.

Grian giggled as Scar made a silly face at the fish in the tanks.

They continued to wander around before Grian gasped and pulled Scar with him.

"Where are we going?" Scar asked, confused.

Grain rolled up his sleeves and Scar saw that they were in a touch tank and one of the employees at the aquarium was telling some of the little kids and their parents at the tank information about the fish.

"Scar look, there's stingray." Grian said, dipping his fingers in the water.

"Aren't those the fish that have the goofy looking face on the bottom of their body?" Scar asked and Grian giggled, nodding.

"Maybe they think we're goofy looking," Grian said, "for standing on two legs."

Scar shrugs, "Maybe."


When exiting the aquarium, Scar saw a stingray plushie at the gift shop.

"Wait for me outside of the aquarium." Scar said, and Grian raised an eyebrow.


"Just trust me, I wanna surprise you." Scar winked before shoving Grian towards the exit.

Grian giggled, "Alright, alright I'm going."

Scar bought one of the plushies and met Grian outside.

"What're you holding behind your back?" Grian asked, smirking.


"You're a terrible liar."

Scar chuckled and showed Grian the stingray plushie.

"Why'd you get that?"

"Why do you think, silly?" Scar ruffled Grian's hair and Grian blushed.

"For me?" Grian asked.

"Duh! I got it for you." Scar kissed Grian's cheek and Grian's face was flaming red.

Scar smirked and Grian hid his face behind the stuffed animal.

"Thanks." He whispered and Scar smiled brightly.

"Course, Muffin."

Sorry if this is rushed, but look I'm not amazing at writing fluff. And this is like calm before the storm of angst that's around the corner, so take it and be happy! 

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