Keeping Secrets

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Adam's Perspective-


Adam and Joel walked to school together, chatting about whatever came to their mind.

"I swear I feel like I've tried everything." Adam said, opening his locker.

"Sorry man, you're just bad at video games." Joel said, smirking.

Adam rolled his eyes and Scar walked over, a smile on his face.

"What happened with you?" Joel asked, "What's got you smiling?"

"Well, and Grian...we started dating!"

"Oh really? That's great!" Joel said.

"Yeah man! Good job!" Adam smiled, "And you don't have to lie to me about the hangouts anymore because I know- "

Joel quickly interrupted Adam.

"How did it happen?" Joel asked and Scar glanced at Adam before explaining it.

Adam was confused and glanced at Joel, who seemed to become a master of distraction.

After Scar left, Adam turned to Joel.

"Why did you interrupt me?"

"I...don't want him to know that you know about him being...that." Joel said, scratching the back of his head.

"Why?" Adam asked.

"It would cause him a lot of stress, and this is the happiest he's been in a bit. Don't you think he deserves to just think about his relationship without worrying about you babbling about his secret?"

Adam's eye twitched, "Hey, I'm actually going to try and keep this secret, alright?"

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I'm just nervous." Joel said, backing up a bit.

Adam sighed, "It's fine."

Joel patted Adam's back.

"See you at lunch?"

"Yeah...see you."


Over the next couple weeks, Adam was having a hard time keeping quiet about Scar being Hot Guy.

Whenever he saw Grian and Scar, it would pop into his mind.

It became stressful for him, and it was almost all he could think about.


"Adam? You okay?" Sarah asked, looking concerned.

Adam snapped back, "Hm? Oh- yeah, sorry."

Sarah frowned, "You're hiding something. What's up?"

"I...can't tell you."

"Look, if it has anything to do with me, I'm sorry- "

Adam held Sarah's hands and made her look at him.

"Sarah, I promise you're doing nothing wrong. I'm just...caught up in a mess." He sighed, laying his head on his girlfriend's shoulder.

Sarah hugged Adam, who melted into the embrace.

"Your hair smells like coconuts." He whispered and Sarah giggled.

"I mean, the shampoo I use does smell like coconuts, so."

Adam chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Sarah blushed, "Are you gonna be okay?" She asked in a soft voice.

Adam hesitated but nodded, "Yeah...yeah, I will be. I just...don't know how long I can hold on."

Sarah tilts her head.

"It's just..." Adam shook his head, "No, I can't. Don't stress over me."

"Well I won't stress over you if you don't stress over whatever's on your mind."

Adam chuckled; Sarah always found a way to make him smile.

"I promise, I won't." He said and Sarah smiled.

"Good." She whispered. 

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