Breaking Down

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 Adam's Perspective-

Three Weeks Later-

Adam saw Grian talking with Joel and walked over.

"Hey! What're we talking about?" Adam asked.

"Scar's sick, he's gonna be staying home." Joel said.

"Oh...I hope he feels better soon."

"Me too." Grian whispered and Adam looked over at Grian.

"He's missed a couple of our dates and it's worrying me." Grian said.

Don't tell him, you can't tell him-

'But he needs to know. He has to know!'

You'd mess everything up. Again.

"Adam? You good?" Joel asked and Adam took a shaky breath.

"Grian, there's something you need to know." Adam said.

Grian looked up and Joel shot Adam a look.

"Adam, he can't- "

"Grian, the reason why Scar's been missing your dates is because- "

"He's just busy with family stuff." Joel said, interrupting Adam again.

Grian stepped back as he watched Adam and Joel interrupt each other and bicker.

"Please! Stop!" Grian shouted, causing the two guys to shut up.

"What is going on that I can't know about?" Grian asked, his voice quivering.

Joel sighed, "You...can't know."

Grian looked hurt and Adam stepped forward.


"Adam, don't." Joel said sternly.

"He's..." Adam glanced at Joel and then back at Grian before saying, "He's Hot G- "

Joel looked as though he was about to punch Adam, who immediately shut up. But it was too late, Grian got the message.

"Scar's...who?" Grian asked in a barely audible whisper.

"Grian, I'm so sorry." Adam said and Joel scoffed.

"No, you're not. You can't keep your mouth shut to save your life. I knew I shouldn't've told you." Joel snapped.

"I tried- "

"Did you though? Maybe if you tried hard enough, we wouldn't be in this situation." Joel said, his cold glare not leaving Adam.

"Well maybe you shouldn't've told me!" Adam shouted.

Joel rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, push the blame onto me."

Grian shoved past Adam and Joel, causing them to stop bickering.

"Wait-! Grian! Hold on!" Joel ran after him and Adam sighed, leaning his back against his locker and slowly sliding into a ball on the floor.

"Stupid." He whispered, pulling at his hair, "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I do that?!"

Grian's Perspective-

Grian pushed his way past people in the hallway, trying to get away.

He didn't want to believe that Scar would lie to him about something so big.

"I promise I wouldn't ever hide anything from you." Scar's voice rang in Grian's head, and he started to cry.

"Grian! Wait up!" Joel caught up with Grian, "Grian, I'm sorry Adam told you about- "

"You knew this entire time? How come he didn't tell me? He promised that he wouldn't lie to me about anything." Grian whispered, crying.

Joel sighed, "I don't know why he didn't tell you, but I'm sure he just didn't want to freak you out and he wanted to protect you."

"No, you know what, I don't care what reason he had, I'm tired of people playing with my feelings and then just breaking me apart."

"Grian, I'm sure he didn't mean- "

"It doesn't matter. The damage is already done."

Grian kept walking and Joel didn't follow this time.


"You okay?" Jimmy asked, seeing Grian's expression.

Grian sighed, "Yeah...fine."

Jimmy looked concerned.

"Grian, we can chat if you want."

"I'm done with this." Grian whispered, "I'm done with people acting like they care about me when they don't."


"I'm just gonna go home."

"Huh? Wait- what's going on? Why are you leaving in the middle of school?"

"I don't feel well." Grian mumbled.

"Do you want me to walk you to the nurse's office?"

"No, I'm just gonna go."

Jimmy looked worried and Grian grabbed his bag before walking out the school's gate.

Grian sighed as he walked home. It was pretty quiet, not many people were out and about.

Grian passed by a little alleyway and saw a flash of purple.

He froze and looked to his right.

There was another flash before it looked like a rip in the wall appeared and purple electricity flared. Grian slowly crept towards it, confused.

"What the heck?" He whispered, gasping as a figure that had a white mask with a purple eye on it and black robes appeared in the portal.

"So you're the kid the hero cares so much about." The figure said, a sick smirk appearing on its face

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