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Ecclesiastes 11:5 NLT‬
Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother's womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.

Naomi prayed. She knelt down before God, clutching her Bible, one hand raised to the heavens and tears flowing. Her lips moved in an unknown movement as she spoke rapidly in a strange language. There was a certain intimacy in the moment as she let all her vulnerability be laid in front of the Lord. She didn't speak to the Lord as though he was far away from her but as though he was face to face with her. That thought alone made her break down more as she asked for strength.

She heard shuffling of feet coming towards her so she quickly wiped her tears away. Still with her eyes closed she prayed with her spirit in tongues. She felt his presence beside her where she knelt. He didn't say anything. Akin just knelt beside her with his eyes closed. Together they prayed, Naomi speaking for them and him letting his heart be known to God.

Then he started crying. Akin felt the presence of God that beckoned one to shed everything bothering them. Overcome with the weight of so many things on his shoulder he let it all go. He didn't understand why he decided to join her. He heard her praying and just thought to join. Whenever he wiped his face more tears kept coming.

"It's okay to cry," Naomi comforted him.

"I don't," he sniffled. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I just feel like a mess. Nothing is okay, I just want to break down and end it all."

"Lay your burdens on God." She said.

"Is that what you're doing?" They thought about Ogechi, who was busy sleeping in the room. "I just don't get it. Is she going to be okay?"

"Lean not on your own understanding, Lucius. I don't know what God plans for her but I'll keep on praying for her. It's what I can do for her. God will give me the strength to continue. He can give you that strength too. You just have to believe, confess Christ in your life and lay your burdens on him."

"I meant what I said earlier. I can't just start believing, not after everything I've been through. It's like something is holding me back. I just miss my sister, and my mother. I feel alone. I think that's why I'm here sef. I've been lost for a long time, simply looking for a place to belong."

"Take it one step at a time. Definitely your heart knows what you need because you're here now."

"Yeah, I guess." He wanted to tell her about his dreams. It's starting to haunt his mind. He wanted to ask her to tell him what to do. What's the truth? What's the understanding? Why did this God choose him for this task? Whatever it is.

"What is the truth?" He looked into her eyes.

"The gospel. As far as I know, that's the truth. The only way to know the truth is by being with the one that is true."

Somehow those words opened his eyes.

For the next thirty minutes he knelt beside her saying nothing while she prayed in tongues. He remembered his mother praying tirelessly for God to help them, help his family. Nothing happened. His mind was full of doubt but he decided to start walking in the right path.

He will find this truth and from there decide what to do.

Sounds of music blasting from the adjacent building and people shouting made him stir. Akin had fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of praying. When he opened his eyes he noticed that the sun had risen fully, everywhere was bright and the people shouting sounded closer.

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