The Prologue Adjourned

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~Exterior Hallway 2F~

~Exterior Hallway 2F~

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Deuce: "Phew... We managed to avoid expulsion. That was a close one!"

Ace: "Yeah, no kidding!"

Grim: "La la la la la! I'm a student at Night Raven College! La la la! I'm gonna be the top mage on campus in no time. Enjoy eating my dust, boys!"

Ace: "Big words for a sentient pile of lint who's literally only half a student. Still... Good for you."

Deuce: "I guess we're schoolmates now. Grim, Y/n — welcome to Night Raven."

Y/n: "I just hope this all goes well..."

Deuce: "The way you squared off against that monster even when you only have a bit of magic showed a whole lot of guts. With steel nerves like that, you'll be fine. Even in this school."

Ace: "Say, what's the deal with you sometimes talking like a punk, anyway?"

Deuce: "Huh?! D-do I? I think I talk pretty normal."

Ace: "Whatever. Let's just get back to the dorm. After nearly getting expelled, the last thing we need is a curfew violation."

Deuce: "We're from Heartslabyul House, by the way. What dorm are you guys in?"

Grim: "The dorm we're in has been abandoned for years...  We've taken to callin' it "Ramshackle House." The ol' dump is literally full of ghosts. Yeesh."

Y/n: "I found a few pictures of it from a very long time ago, from before Crowley was headmaster, and its colors were varius purples and gray. So I'm thinking of updating it to fit it better."

Ace: "Hey, count your blessings. I'd rather deal with ghosts than have to see this guy's smug, self-important scowl every day."

Deuce: "Better than your lazy, dopey grin."

Ace: "Keep bawling, crybaby. I haven't forgotten how you almost wept when he said you were expelled. Catch ya later, Y/n."

Y/n: "Those two seem like they're made for each other."

Grim: "C'mon, Y/n, let's get back to the dorm! Tomorrow when we wake, it won't be as janitors. Finally, finally... My glorious education as a proper Night Raven College student is about to begin!"

Y/n: "Okay, Grim."

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