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      Standing in the mirror putting my hair in a ponytail getting ready for school as I looked at my growing belly, I couldn't wait to meet my baby girl but at the same time I wasn't ready to. I got dressed grabbing my book-bag and going outside getting into the car my dad called to take me to school. I made him stop at McDonald's so I could get two steak, egg, and cheese bagels and a large orange juice then we pulled up to the school. I sat in the car and ate my food then I got out and walked to class, and for the first time ever I noticed Tyler. I sat down waiting for the teacher to get started, no sooner then the teacher started teaching it was so much noise and commotion going on in the hall. Damn near everyone ran out of class expect me and a few other people, I heard someone call my name and I got up confused.
     When I walked to the door I saw they had Britain in handcuffs walking him out, I was about to walk up to him when he looked at me shaking his head telling me no. Tears started falling from my eyes not because he was getting locked up but because Britain had a life I knew nothing about, that hurt me why couldn't I know. I went back in class sitting down crying finishing my class work when my cousin Alice came in my class hugging me telling me it was going to be ok. After school I got in the car and I didn't want to go home so I asked my driver to take me to the nail salon so I could get my feet done. I texted my mom and dad letting them know where I was, I just sat there relaxing when this girl came in the nail salon with her friend. I closed my eyes for a minute and when I opened them this girl kept looking at me, I was stressed out I just wanted to be left alone.

"Your name Arabella" the girl said walking up to me sitting next to me.


"Your Britain baby mom right"

"Yes why?" I said looking at her crazy

"My name is Chloe I'm Britain's first baby mother"


"Mommy" the little boy said as he ran up to her I kept looking at him as my heart started beating fast.

"This is his son"

"His son" I got sick to my stomach I told Paul to stop doing my feet and I ran to the bathroom to throw up. When I came back I paid for whatever he did do and I left I went home and I cried and I cried.

"Why you lie to that girl like that?"

"Because bitch I want my hood nigga back idk why he wasting his time with her young ass anyway"

"You do know Britain 17 right"

"Bitch he don't act 17 nor do he fuck this pussy like he 17"

"How old are you again"

"Don't worry about that"

"Right so you better be quite before yo ass go to jail for rape"

       Sitting in my room eyes puffy and red why would he lie to me about him having a son, what else was he lying to me about. First it's all the money he would have, now he has a kid too this was all too much it's never ending with Britain. I haven't seen Britain in weeks he was still locked up for what I don't know, his mom came to our house looking for him I guess she didn't know he was locked up. Not even one phone call not from him not from Bobbie no one, the next morning I went to school and it was a pretty good day until Britain showed up to lunch. I acted as if I didn't see him, when he came up to me grabbing my hand taking me outside in the hallway "You ok" he placing his hand on my chin making me look at him.


"I'm sorry you had to see that ok and I'm sorry I haven't called you I had to get my head right"

I Wasn't ReadyWhere stories live. Discover now