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An hour after Britain left my cousin's came over ringing my doorbell, like they didn't have any home training. I jumped up because I thought something was wrong I ran to the door, just for them to be all excited and jolly. I walked right back to my room and got in my bed, they followed me begging me to come to some party with them. I didn't want to go I couldn't go if Brit found out I went to a party, he's gone be mad number one and he gone think that's why I left his family function despite his mama. "I'm not going to no party I'm pregnant and plus Brit would kill my ass"

"Brit this, Brit that we tired of hearing about Britain when we ask you to do something you acting like a grandma Bella. You don't have to be like that so what your pregnant dance with us let just have some fun before you get all big" my cousin Meeka said pulling my covers back.

"I can't go I'm sorry"

"Your going" she said picking me out something to wear I'm just like what part of the no did she not understand.

      I let these two talk me into going knowing damn well I should not be here, my intentions were to just sit on the wall the whole night and that's exactly what I did. I sat there bobbing my head and watched my cousins act a fool, some dude walked up on me asking me could we dance and I said no. So he walked away I was so ready to go, like 5 mins later he came back asking to dance again and I said no. When he looked at me I got scared he looked crazy, I went to walk to the bathroom. I just so happen to turn around and he was right behind me I was trying to close the bathroom door but he overpowered me, all I felt was him throw me against the wall turning me around, as he put his hands up my dress grabbing my ass I wanted him to stop.

"Please don't do this I'm sorry I'll dance with you please I'm pregnant" the whole time I was screaming telling him to stop he never said a word, he pulled my panties to the side and started fucking me. I just knew I fucked up, and Britain could never ever find out about this. This man turned me around and lifted me up I was hitting him and trying to get him off me "Stop please I didn't do anything to you" I spit in his face and he punched me in mines, I was just quiet and still until he was done and I sat there.

    I finally got up and limped outside it was blood coming down my leg, I just knew my child was lost and me and Britain was done all because I couldn't say no to my cousins. I sat in front of the car until my cousins came out they were all on me, we got in the car they looked at me and I was just looking out the window holding my stomach. Then Alice started crying "Meeka, Meeka Stop something wrong with Bella Stop Meeka" 

"Ok, ok" she said pulling over

"Bella what happened to you"

"Bella talk to us"

     I didn't say anything to them I just was quiet they took me to the hospital and called my mom, when my mom walked in her heart dropped she was so upset with me. I knew better it wouldn't be the first time Meeka and them got me into some shit, I told my mother what happened and she told the doctors. They checked me I had semen inside me, they gave me stuff to take for std's the whole nine I had a black eye. I couldn't let Brit see me like this he was calling my phone I didn't answer Meeka and them left and it was just me and my mom "I'm so disappointed in you Arabella, why would you let them talk you into going to a party? Knowing your pregnant, now look"

"I'm sorry, I knew better they kept begging me I kept saying no, I felt pressured"

"You lucky my grand baby is ok, but you know how that boy is when it comes to you and you gone go out here and do this something so foolish. Who did you even ask if you can go to this party anyway I should be whopping yo ass right now"

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