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Laying there pretending to be sleep because I did not want to talk to him I really did not want him here, I just wanted to be alone but I knew he would find his way over here. The baby started moving, I felt him moving his hand everywhere she went and tears started falling from my eyes. Knowing that he would be leaving and I would be here alone, she was taking a piece of my heart away.

"Bella" he said calling my name I laid there quiet "I know you can hear me"

"Yes Britain"

"I apologize about all of this ima try and make it right with my mom so I can stay, I don't wanna leave you not like this pregnant with my kid. My moms been bugging lately ever since I met you all she wants to talk about is my career and how I ain't gone fuck it up. Really just sees me as her meal ticket and she ain't never do shit for me until my grandmother past, why she don't like you is beyond me because I love you my good girl" he said kissing the back of my head

"I don't want to talk about your mother Brit I want to forget today even happened, I don't know what to feel anymore can you just leave I don't wanna be around you right now"

"I'm not leaving"

"LEAVE" I said getting up turning on the light "Get out Britain I don't want you here"

"Why can't we just talk about this? I'm not about to leave here knowing your upset with me I just wanna make things right yo I love you for real Bella" he said getting out of my bed

"I love you too but this is to much on me right now so please just leave"

"I wanna be with you and my daughter right now, don't push me away too"


"Baby you know what I meant"

"JUST GET OUT!!!" I said hitting him and yelling when my mom walked in and grabbed me.

"Bella stop"

"You did this Britain you started all of this, this baby, my life, everything is so fucked up right now and now you're leaving me. What am I supposed to do without you huh, you know what just go this isn't even worth words" I said wiping my face as my mom let me go

"I'll leave" he said touching his lip looking at the blood on his fingers, he grabbed his hat and his wallet from my nightstand and he walked up on me and kissed my forehead and placed his hands on my stomach "I love you my good girl and I always will"

I watched him leave and I cried so hard but I had too, because it was only going to hurt me more if I spent time with him. The next day in school I didn't talk to him I didn't say anything not even hi, I walked passed him going to lunch and things got heated. I was waiting to get in the lunchroom and one of my cousin friends was rubbing my stomach. Britain walked up with his little football friends, he saw Shawn rubbing my stomach and he lost it. When I tell you I saw a side of him I never seen before everyone was looking at us some was shocked, some was laughing video recording I felt so embarrassed. Britain punch Shawn in the face knocking him out then he choked me up on the wall his face was all red "Don't ever let me see you letting another nigga touch you"

"You ain't gone be seeing much of anything all the way in Cali, now get off me" I said yanking away from him

"Ok" he said nodding his head

Thinking shit was over I was about to walk away when he grabbed my arm and made me come in the lunchroom, everyone was looking at me. I sat there sad he went and got my lunch which I don't know why I wasn't eating that shit, he was staring at me I knew he was mad. After school I was gone walk home with my friends but no one wanted Britain to say anything to them. So I sat in front of the school looking like a lost puppy, until he pulled up making me get in the car. We didn't talk the whole ride, when we pulled up in front of my house I was waiting for him to get out and open my door. I looked at him as he looked at my neck because his finger prints were there. "I'll never put my hands on you again, I got upset you wasn't talking to me and"

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