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The rest of the night I watched First 48 with my dad then I went to bed, the next morning I got ready for school I didn't want to go I woke up to a texts from Meeka saying she was sorry and that her and Britain did have sex one time and that they were high and drunk. I just shook my head because according to Britain nothing happened, I was in my first block class trying not to fall asleep when my teacher called my name to read I was just like really bitch, you call me out of all these people you know I don't know where y'all at. "Where y'all at" I said turning the pages

"King James" my teacher said tryna be smart

"Thank you" I said getting smart back I read it and then went to the bathroom, there he was walking down the hall I couldn't look at him even tho he was so damn fine. He always dressed with such fashion pants not sagging he was so classy, but hood at the same time I love him so much but it wouldn't show. When he got closer I could smell him, I turned around to go the other way when he grabbed my arm I didn't turn around to look at him "When is this gonna stop Bella I miss you"

"I can't talk to you right now" I said trying to fight back my tears

"Bella I want to be with you"

"How??? Before or after you fucked my cousin I know you said you didn't and I thought she was lying too to make me mad but she sent me this text last night" I said showing him

"Meeka is a fucking lair I never fucked that girl"

"Why would she lie? It wouldn't seem to far fetched being as tho both of y'all best friends are brother and sister"

"I ain't never fucked your cousin"

"Why would she lie Britain?"

"Same reason every other chick in this school lie, look yeah Meeka likes me but I ain't never like her back she too fucking ghetto she wanted to fuck yeah, but I turned her ass down and beside this was before we started talking"

"I don't believe you" I said  walking away going to the bathroom, standing in the mirror cleaning my face wondering what have I done to get all this hurt. I went back to class fighting to stay awake I couldn't wait until school was over. After school Britain was walking up to me, holding Meeka by the arm telling her to come on I just turned my head. In my head I'm like oh fucking boy what's about to go down now I just wanted to be left alone "Bella don't walk away"

"What do you want? Why are you doing this?"

"Meeka did me and you fuck"

"Yes" she said looking me right in my eyes

"Ok" I said walking away when Brit grabbed my arm

"No Bella stay, Meeka stop bruh"

"No, ok I lied" she said starting to cry

"Why would you lie?" I said looking at her like I wanted to kill her

"Because I liked him ok I wanted him been wanting him for years ever since I met him at Trina house, I'm the most popular girl in school and he falls for my quiet ass cousin. I'm jealous of you Bella you get everything you ain't never have to work for nothing, you had the perfect family and still do you get everything you want even after getting pregnant, me I gotta steal shit or borrow just to look the way I do so yeah I lied because who am I if I ain't fuck or date the most popular boy in school"

"Wow, you been around me all my life and still know nothing I thought we were close I thought you knew me seem I pay more attention then you do too" I said looking at her like bitch Nothing was handed to no one "Please keep me and anything that involves me out your mouth and I may not be talking to him but he involves me"

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