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When I woke up it was a note left on my bed with money underneath it, I was looking so confused like what the hell. I got up and turned my light on and started to read the note when my phone started ringing.

Britain's Note

Good Morning,
So last night I told you I got you and I meant that anything you need you need I got you, so here the $1,000 you asked for.

I love you My Good Girl

I had the biggest smile on my face and I put it in to my shoe box and I hide it in my closet, what am I going to do with this boy but most importantly where did he get this money. Britain called me and invited me to his cousin's end of the year cookout, I was having a hard time trying to fine something to wear. It was like I couldn't fit none of my clothes anymore, so my mom had to run me to the store to go buy something. Britain kept texting me asking me was I ready; I told him I was then him and Bobbie came and got me I made sure I was cute too. I wore my hair curly after I washed it, I had a head full of hair the outfit my mom brought was dope. She got me this dope black Malcom X shirt with just a white X on it, with my white cut up jeans and my black and white Jordan's. When we got there I was sitting in one spot while Britain was walking around talking to his family, his mother walked up to me being all phoney and shit. Grabbing my hand walking me around introducing me as Brit's girlfriend her daughter in law, I just smiled and waved the whole time looking for Britain to come rescue me she knew damn well she didn't like me.
     Then the bitch tells me to go get her a drink, I go get it then she gone tell me that's not the right one; so at this point I'm pissed who does she think she is. I brung her back the wrong drink on purpose and when I went to walk off she clipped me, I looked at her like I wanted to kill her. I got up walking off sitting on the front porch crying, until Brit finally noticed I was gone and started looking for me. Brit walked up to me squatting in front of me. "What's wrong babe?"

"Why yo mama don't like me?" I said wiping my face

"What happened?"

"First off she grabs my hand walking me around all these people being phony calling me her daughter in law, then she asks me for a drink. I went and got it but when I came back she said it was the wrong drink, she did the shit twice like I don't know how to read. So I  got her the wrong drink on purpose, she was embarrassing me in front of everyone." I said crying again "Then she clipped me and I fell on the ground, I haven't done anything to yo mama and she hates me; That mean she gone hate our baby too."

"Who give a fuck about how she feels or what she thinks, it ain't about her it's about what I want in my life and that's you, nothing matters to me right now but making a life and becoming something, I want to protect and provide for you and my child"

"I wanna go home"

"If you leaving, I'm leaving"

"No Brit this your family you don't have to leave I'll just see you later ok I'll call a Uber"

"No you not I'm gone take you let me go get Bobbie"

    Bobbie didn't feel like going so he gave Brit his keys to take me home, I don't know why he never drives his car. We got to my house and he got out and walked me to my door, I turned around and gave him a hug and a kiss. Before I knew it he picked me up and walked me on my sun porch, my mom wasn't home so it was the green light for go. Brit laid me on my bed and he pulled my pants off; and he kissed me from my head all the way between my thighs. I was grabbing his head and his ears it felt so good, I was trying keep in my moans but I couldn't. I closed my eyes and I laid there there relaxing as my body jerked and shook uncontrollably, this was my first time experiencing this and I loved it. I started to cum but I stopped him and pulled him up I didn't want to come that way, "What's up" he said looking at me

"Not like that" I said getting up and pushing him on the bed and unbuttoning his pants, I got on top of him and before you knew it we both came at the same time.

"Damn this shit fire" he said still rocking me back and forth with his hands on top of him "That's why yo ass pregnant now in this shit spraying like a loose cannon"

"Is that right" I said about to get up when he held me there and told me to keep riding him, I did and I came again and so did he. That time we were done for I went and took a shower and I put my night clothes on, Brit took a quick shower and put his clothes back on. I walked him down stairs and I gave him a kiss then he left, I went in the kitchen and got food. After I ate my two little PB&J sandwiches I was knocked out after drinking that warm almond milk.
     I was very much in love with Britain and at this point I was happy, looking down at my ring it didn't matter to me if his mom didn't like me. I knew no matter what I did she wouldn't, I seen that from the very first day I met her and she gave me the eww face. I guess it had something to do with her son showing me an emotion that he doesn't show her, she was jealous. Britain was the most sweetest, amazing, loving person to me but he didn't show that side to others It made me feel special.


I Wasn't ReadyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora