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     I put my head under the water and never came up, I was under there for 5 minutes before my mom came to check on me. I didn't want to live anymore everything was all messed up, I didn't feel like me anymore. I don't see how other girls my age went through with this because I'm scared shitless, a baby coming out of me, me being a mom me and Brit keep fighting who's to say where we are going to end up. I'm so in love with that boy it's like my life is moving so fast I wanted it to slow down why we couldn't be that couple that don't have kids til down the line. Britain had my nose wide open and I was stuck the sex, he's heart, his smile, the way he smelled just everything about him, Or was I infatuated with him the thought of him. The fact I was untouchable in his eyes, what was I really getting myself into I just wanted it all to disappear. "Bella you ok" she said knocking "Bella" she yelled again and went to turn the knob "Kenny come here"

"What is it"

"Open the door Bella not answering me"

"She probably just need sometime to herself she got her music playing she probably can't hear you"

"Your right" my mom said going in the room she started watching tv and after about 15 minutes she notice I had not changed a song or came out "Kenny open the bathroom door"

"Watch out" he said kicking the door in when they saw me underneath the water they lost it "Call 911"

"Nooo, not my baby, not my baby"

"Come on Bella, come on, please wake up" my father said taking me out of the water and laying me on the floor, he covered me up and started CPR, my mom was on the phone she couldn't talk, couldn't breathe she just kept saying hurry up, hurry up, my dad kept doing CPR it water was coming out my mouth. The EMT came the police was there stopping traffic, taping shit off  like somebody died Britain and Sharod  was walking just to spy on my place I'm sure.

"Ain't that Bella house"

"Nah let me see let's get closer" when he saw it was my house he started running they wouldn't let him through.

"Please let me go that's my child's mother house"

       They brought me out on a stretcher with a white blanket over my face, as they went down the steps my arm fell out and when Brit saw my bracelet and my ring he instantly went nuts. They finally let him through and my mom got in the ambulance with me and my dad was going to drive in the car "What happened Kenny?"

"I gotta go I told you to stay away" my dad said getting in the car

"Nigga I'll met you there" Britain said as my dad pulled off

They got me to the hospital my parents was right there with me, they pumped the water out the baby was fine I was fine. They said if I had been in any longer we both would be dead, Britain got to the hospital and they wouldn't let him up "Family only"

"I am her family I'm the father of her child"

"We still can't let you up we got orders to keep non Immediate family from coming up" she said not letting him up, so he stayed at the hospital all day until someone came down stairs, which was my dad Brit was sleep on the chair my dad went and woke him up.

"Come with me" my dad said walking out the hospital.

"How is she what happened?"

"Bella tried to commit suicide"

"What? Why would she do that?"

"We don't know, she's in a mild coma so we just waiting for her to wake up" my dad said looking at him "The only reason I'm telling you this is because of that baby she's carrying, I need you to stay away from my daughter"

I Wasn't Readyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن