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      I woke up throwing up I felt nauseous, I went in my room and got dressed, walking into the living room to my mother crying. I sat next to her looking at her like what's wrong, my mother looked at me and told me my father died in a car crash I lost it I couldn't breath. I was acting out so bad my mother called my grandparents anyone she could get to come over. I was throwing shit yelling and screaming my eyes were so filled with tears I couldn't see, I started having an asthma attack by the time Brit walked in what was he even doing here.
      Britain grabbed me trying to calm me down he got my pump and held me like a baby, I took my pump it wasn't working I was to worked up. I was hyperventilating my mom drove me to the hospital and they got me to calm down, they put me on the Nebulizer Machine. The nurse took my urine I was laying there trying to breathe, when the nurse came back and said I was pregnant. "No this can't be she's only 15 lord, first my husband now my daughter is pregnant I don't understand" my mom said sitting in the chair.

"Calm down Mrs. Smith"

"I can't do this" my mother said walking out, when my mother walked back in the room all she did was hold me and tell me she was there for me no matter what. When Britain walked in the room my mother gave him this look as if she was mad he was there, I didn't want to be pregnant I was not ready.
     After getting out the hospital I went home and got in bed Brit went home, I wanted to be alone first my father dies now I'm pregnant how odd was that. I am three months pregnant which means I got pregnant the day we went to get Britain Tux a few months back, I'm so upset with myself Britain did this shit on purpose. This was our last week of school for summer break and I gotta spend half of my junior year of school carrying a baby. The next day I went to school, I was trying to forget about the day before but I couldn't I was just in gym class crying. My cousin walked in and I couldn't tell her, she just assumed I was crying about my dad which I was too, I was crying about both. Lunch came and I sat there eating my food Britain wanted to sit next to me but I told him not to, he looked at me and was like ite I'll give you your space.
      When I tell you I threw up all that food on that table and threw up again leaving the table, I was fucked up it was coming out my nose and all I was shaking. I knew he wasn't going to be to far behind me I went right to the nurse, he told her what happened I heard them call maintenance to go clean up the throw up. I ended up going home I took a shower and went to sleep, I woke up and sat on the porch for some fresh air and Britain walked up and sat down next to me. "I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway I really do care about you, and I'm gonna give you your space I know you just lost your dad and all" he said getting up about to walk away.

"I'm pregnant" I said looking down at my hands at the little piece of paper I was playing with I got so emotional.

"Are you Serious" he said touching my stomach "It's a little Britain in there" he said smiling

"Britain I'm not laughing this is not funny nor cute I'm not ready for this"

"Don't do that don't crush my feelings right now I'm happy is shit"

"Why do you even want a kid right now, I'm confused"

"Bella I want you to be apart of my life forever, no matter what we go thru one day you gone be my wife but right now I want you to have a part of me something that makes us family"

"Britain" I had nothing to say I sat there as he wrapped his arms around me and kissing my forehead. "What if you wake up one day and decide you don't want me no more"

I Wasn't ReadyWhere stories live. Discover now