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It's been a months since I've seen or heard from Britain I was really done with him, I was tired of fighting and all the drama I just wanted to be 16. Tomorrow was the first day of school and I knew I would see him, but I couldn't focus on that I'm finally in a place I want to be and I feel amazing. My mother took me shopping for school I was big is hell I didn't want to do anything, I wanted to stay home. All summer couldn't go nowhere or do nothing, so I was just chilling in the house watching movies and eating. I miss Brit so much, but I knew things had to be this way because we were like poison to each other. I got a few things; then I told my mom I was ready to go home I was tired of walking. When we were walking out Sharod was at the door hugging on some chick, he spoke I kept it moving like don't fucking talk to me.
I knew he was gone tell that boy he saw me I didn't care tho, my mom rented us some movies and got us some food and we watched movies until I fell asleep. The next morning I got up and took a shower then got dressed, it was a little chilly outside. So I put on some maternity skinny leg jeans, my all black Air Force Ones, then I put on my black Mickey Mouse shirt my mom just got me. I thought I was cute, my mom put my hair in a ponytail for me, she wanted to drive me to school but I told her I'll walk. There I was walking tired is shit, but I got thru it when I got to school I went to my first block class my teacher was really nice.
Got to my second block everything was good I was a little tired tho, I have not yet seen my cousins which was a good thing I didn't want to be bothered. When the halls cleared some me and my homegirl started walking to lunch my mom packed my lunch and I was about to fuck this shit up. Everyone was inside already but to my surprise Britain and his friends, were walking inside the lunchroom too. I stopped and we stood there looking at each other my heart started beating so fast, I walked away me and Luna sat at our favorite table. As we went up to go get lunch Brittany walked in front of me I didn't want the lunch but I was getting it for Shanae, this Bitch better not start with me today. I was already mad because me and him had the same lunch period again "Brittany look don't start your shit today it's our first day back"

"I'm not doing anything but getting my lunch just like you"

"Then go" I said getting pissed off

"I am" she said turning around and then turning back to me "FYI I know you and Britain are not together anymore and me and him will be making it official don't know how you let him slip through your hands"

"Do it look like I give a fuck" I said trying to get around her

"Can't wait to met my step daughter or son" she said touching my stomach

"Bitch" I said punching her in the face "Don't fucking touch me, I don't give a fuck what you do with Britain don't say shit about my child. Or I will fuck you up and that's for everybody in the fucking lunch room y'all can have Britain don't say shit to me or shit about my kid, now move" I said getting my tray moving up in the line.

"Let's go son" he said walking up to the lunch line Brittany was so mad she got behind me, and was trying to hit me when Britain stepped in front of her. "Don't do that, can you just leave her the fuck alone I don't want none y'all I don't give a fuck what she talking about I'm hers, keep playing and I will get somebody to beat you the fuck up, don't touch her while she got my baby in her stomach"

"Get off me" she said snatching away from Britain

      Brittany felt stupid once again she thought she was gone get the man, but the man said no I still didn't speak to him I looked back at him and sat down. I ate my lunch and left the lunchroom, I did not feel good at all this baby was really consuming me in every way I don't see how women do it. I went to my next class and I laid my head down I felt sick is shit my teacher was checking on me I couldn't hold my head up. I went to the nurse they sent me home my mom came and got me I slept the whole way home, I picked up a stomach virus. I been home for three day already throwing my insides up my mom kept giving me homework from my classes, I didn't know how she was getting it. I was in my room sleep when I smelled Brit I jumped up and looked everywhere he wasn't there maybe my mind was playing tricks on me.
       I went back to sleep, I woke up the next day I felt a little better I wanted to go to school but my mom said no. I been home for a whole week bored, tomorrow I go to find out what I'm having I was excited, I don't know what I want a boy or girl Brit wanted a girl. I was in the living room watching tv with my mom, when her friend walked in I didn't like him much. My mom should have stayed single this man wasn't my dad, he was walking around here like he owned the place. I sat there like ugh why is he in here, I got up and tried to walk in my room when he stopped me I looked away, he really thought he was my father. I walked around him and went in my room, and locked the door I hated him my mother is just too nice sometimes. I stayed in my room until my mom got home, I helped her cook dinner her scary man had left I kept eating the string beans so my mom put me out the kitchen.


"Yes Bella"

"I love you"

"I love you too baby"

      I went in my room and started playing the Sims on my laptop I was all into too building my house, then a hour later my mother called me to dinner. Being pregnant has its ups and downs it brung me and my mother closer, she spoils me even more now, but I couldn't do anything this year had to drop all my sports. Football started for Brit the last month of summer, he was at football camp. I was going to go to the first game my mom was coming with me, even tho I don't talk to Brit she still loved him and wanted to support him. The day of the game I got dress and my mother whips out these jerseys she ordered, with his number on them. Her's said mother in law and she put girlfriend on mines I'm like I'm not wearing that. "Your wearing it I spent my money"

"I'm not his girlfriend tho"

"No matter what you say you are, that's my grand baby daddy"

"I'm not I'm pretty sure he's moved on"

    My mother didn't want to hear anything I said she made me wear it anyway we went to the game, I had my little seat to sit on when we got there they had not come out yet. I was just sitting there big and pregnant, they came out to their music and they all had a little dance when Brit came out he started dancing I was like look at bae. The game started my mom was all yelling his name and I sat there watching, everyone I knew from school was there then Angie came and sat next to me. Half time came and the band left it all on the Field I was so excited, I wanted to join as soon as I have this baby. Angie and I went and got something to eat once the crowd died down, after we got the food we were walking back to our seats when the players were walking back out. We had already passed them but we were waiting to get past, because mad people were in the walk way. "Brit Look" Sharod said pointing at me

"What?" he said turning around "Who is that?"

"Watch this" he said looking our way again "Angie" he said yelling her name and when he did we both turned around. "You got your answer, yes Bella"

"Bella" he said pointing at his self and then making a heart with his hands and then pointing at me, I just smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. We went back too our seats the game started and everyone was on the edge of there seats; because the other team was winning even tho we had time to make a come back. I was still sitting down eating and laughing with Angie when I saw Brit get hurt I jumped up and was looking as all the players took a knee, then he got up waving his hands letting everyone know he was ok. The game was over my school came back and won by 4 points it was a good game. We went home and I took a shower and got in my bed I was tired, this baby was moving all the time I fell asleep she was still up moving. Britain went home showered and got dressed, then he came to my house my mother was in the kitchen and her dude was in the living room.

"Hi Britain it's been a long time"

"It's has I miss y'all" he said hugging my mom

"Honey this is Britain Bella's friend" she said walking in the living room

"Yo whats up uncle Kenny" Brit said giving him five

"Uncle am I missing something" my mom said looking confused

"Not my real uncle him and my dad used to hang out back in the day"

"What's up baby boy, how your pops?"

" He's good he live out Cali doing his thing, you dating Mrs. Meeka"

"This was my sweetheart back in the day we fell out now we back you know, now I get to be here with her and my daughter" he said smiling

"I hear that" Britain said walking away coming into my room and laying behind me and wrapping his arms around me, he was so excited when he felt the baby move. I was so deep in my sleep I didn't even know he was there, morning came and I smelled him all on my bed. I got up and was walking out into the living room when I heard my mom and her dude talking in her room so I stood by her door being nosey.

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