1.16 - I never liked you (End)

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  Lu Chuan didn't want to talk about it at all...

  He felt like a vine growing in the darkness, eager for a little light leaking from the cracks, but afraid of being burned... and even more afraid of exposing his ugliness in the light, even having the power to spy in the dark. was taken away.

  But Lu He looked at him firmly. Although he was still a little weak, he looked full of momentum and could not be disobeyed. This was actually a look that Lu Chuan was very familiar with. In terms of appearance and ability, his brother, They are both well-deserved prides of heaven. In the past, he had always felt that he was living in the shadow of the other party. How could he have imagined that things would develop to the point where they are today.

  He smiled bitterly and thought: The person Lu He wants to see the most right now is probably him.

  From the beginning, all he brought to Lu He was pain and disaster.

  Lu Chuan didn't dare to hesitate, swallowed nervously, walked to the bed, didn't dare to sit down, and just stood there, like a primary school student who had made a mistake.

  Lu He looked at him and sighed with a headache.

  Lu He was sitting on the bed with a plush blanket on his legs. His hair was a little messy because he was woken up from his sleep. At first glance, it looked fluffy and soft. Even his cold face softened, and he looked older than his actual age. It looks a little smaller.

  But he remained calm and composed, as if his weak body was not his, and the pain he was suffering was not his. He still looked like the famous young talent, attending the banquet in formal clothes and chatting and laughing with his business partners.

  Lu Chuan's eyes couldn't help but reveal some obsession - whether it was in the past or now, he always had to admit that Lu He was such a charming man.

  "Sit down," Lu He ordered lightly, "Don't use this expression. Even if it wasn't Ms. Fang at that time, I wouldn't have watched them do that kind of thing in front of me."

  Lu Chuan: "...huh?"

  Perhaps because his surprised expression was too obvious, Lu He showed a look of confusion: "Aren't you grateful to me for this? There's no need - Lu Chuan, I didn't do anything."

  Lu Chuan suddenly understood.

  Yes, Lu He still doesn't know that the ruthless and ruthless image he has painstakingly maintained has been exposed to him. He thought that he had treated him so wholeheartedly and wanted to throw everything in front of him to beg for forgiveness. But, Because that's when he stood up to protect his mother?

  Lu Chuan felt a little bit dumbfounded.

  "I don't... I am very grateful to you, but not just because of this, Lu He. I know that you have been trying to help me in the previous competition. I was still... sorry at that time."

  Lu He opened his eyes wide in surprise...

  When he left - or was driven out of Hongchuan, he was really in a state of excitement. He couldn't help but say to Lu Chuan, "I never wanted to go against you." However, given the relationship between the two of them, he didn't expect that Lu Chuan could really do it. Believe it!

  Lu He suddenly felt a little angry: "Wait... you believe what I say? How can you lead such a big company when you are so partial to what I say? I'm just... cough cough cough!"

  After all, his body was damaged. When he got excited, his breathing became somewhat unsmooth. Lu Chuan panicked and didn't have time to think about it. He instinctively rushed up to take him into his arms and patted him on the back as gently as possible. Fortunately, Lu He was stunned and struggled to avoid it, but with his current physical strength, how could he compete with Lu Chuan? In addition, my hands and feet were weak due to coughing, so I had no choice but to let him go.

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