【World 5】━━ Vice Admiral Beta has a crush on you ━━

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5.1 - Black pot falling from the sky

  Lu He: "..."

  Lu He: "...Forget it." He digested the inherent unfriendly start of each world with ease, skillfully turned on the system's pain shield, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

  He was in a small, dark and messy room. There were obvious stains on the originally white walls. The smart butler at the bedside was dilapidated and the screen had completely cracked into a spider web shape. Lu He took a closer look. Based on his experience, it was probably too bad to open.

  In addition, he himself also suffered from back pain, a feeling of weakness that came after he had exhausted his physical and mental strength countless times, and his head was so dizzy that the whole world was spinning - this feeling was no stranger to him, he was on the front line. When I was working, I would often participate in the sieges against star pirates or Zerg. Every time I passed out from exhaustion after a life-and-death struggle, if I was not lucky enough to wake up from the most expensive recuperation cabin in the Imperial Capital Hospital, I would look like this. Vice-death virtue.

  ——This makes Lu He a little satisfied. He doesn't think ordinary people can consume themselves to this extent. In addition, 000 said that the world view of this last world will be similar to the place where he came from. It seems that the original person is also a Soldiers, no doubt.

  He had to admit that this identity gave him a sense of security.


  Lu He opened his world line with such a satisfied attitude. After a while, he resisted the idea of ​​pulling 000 out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness and beating him up.

  Fuck, he knew this broken system would not make things easy for him!

  The original owner took a big blame this time, and it was the one that Lu He couldn't bear the most - almost everyone in the Second Legion to which the original owner belonged now thought he was a traitor and a deserter.

  This matter is really a confusing thing to say - the original person can be said to be the most unjust one in these small worlds that Lu He has experienced. To put it bluntly, life is bad

  He was originally the first lieutenant under the commander of the Second Legion of the Galactic Empire. He was young, and although he was not of high origin, he was handsome and had a bright future. He was also the idol of countless Omegas in the Federation, and he was always ranked among the most wanted Omegas to marry. Second on the Alpha list.

  Oh, the first place is Xie Mingchuan, the second prince of the empire, who is also their legion commander.

  This also involves another complicated issue - it is also the biggest difference between this small world and Lu He's original world, the ABO system.

  In this system, people's gender is divided into six categories. In addition to men and women, there are three sub-genders: Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Betas account for the vast majority of the population, just like the worker bees in a hive. , and both men and women have the ability to have children. Alpha is the guardian of the group, strong and most have leadership qualities, while Omega is weak in body, but has well-developed artistic abilities, most of them are very good-looking and have strong fertility.

  Alpha and Omega are both relatively cherished gender categories that are rare to see in ordinary society. Of course, in the upper-class social environment where I originally lived, most of the characters were of these two genders.

  The original person was able to stand out from a noble family, graduate from the military academy with grades that were comparable to those of the second prince, and sit in the position he is in today. On the one hand, it was due to luck, but it was definitely inseparable from his own talent and hard work.

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