【World 3】━━ The wandering guardian ━━

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3.1 - Irresponsible romantic guardian

  The pollution-free and pristine scenery of the ancient world was very beautiful. At first, Lu He wanted to take the opportunity to travel and take a vacation or something, but there happened to be an old Xia Zhi dangling in front of him. When he saw this guy, he remembered how pitiful he was in reality. The unconscious Lao Zhan suddenly felt guilty for no reason, and was embarrassed to continue wasting time after the task was completed.

  Although he liked this piece of soul very much, in the end... the life of his good brother was more important.

  Lu He regretfully gave up the idea of ​​continuing to develop a relationship with the fragment, notified 000 to turn on the projection reservation, and entered the next world without stopping.

  "World 2, the protagonist's favorability is 100, the misunderstanding value is 0, the favorability of character 1 is 100, the favorability of character 2 is 100, double points are obtained, the 'time flies' skill is consumed once, the actual mission time is 187 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes , rated S, the application for projection reservation is passed, please let me know if you want to transmit it."


  After the familiar feeling of darkness and weightlessness passed, the sensation returned to Lu He's body. He felt as if his forehead was pressing against something hard and cold, and he felt dizzy.

  "...Isn't there ever a time when you can arrange a more comfortable opening for me?"

  "I'm sorry, host," 000 said apologetically, "The plot entry point is random, and I can't control it precisely."


  Lu He was not the type to grumble when something was a bit difficult. After almost complaining, he opened his eyes and began to seriously look at the environment he was in this time.

  The strong smell of alcohol in the air should have come from himself - which explained well why his brain felt like a puddle of mush - in front of him was a gorgeous and somewhat exaggerated door, Lu He walked unsteadily. He took two steps back and found himself standing in front of an exquisite and small villa, with a small garden behind him.

  ——This is the most beautiful yard he has ever seen with hundreds of flowers blooming without looking messy. All kinds of bright and dazzling flowers or fresh and elegant flowers are blooming in clusters everywhere. The strong and light ones are perfectly matched. Looking at it, he could only see how beautiful it was. The mixed aroma was wafting in the night sky. It didn't make anyone have a headache. On the contrary, it was quite refreshing, which made his nerves tortured by alcohol relax a little.

  "Not bad," Lu He murmured and tugged on his collar, turning over and over to look at his fingers with fair and delicate skin that seemed to have suffered nothing. "Finally, he is someone who knows how to enjoy himself."

  One look at this residence can tell that the owner is casual and unwilling to compromise his temperament. Compared with the ascetic life he had to live in the first two worlds, this world should make him much happier.

  000 felt the same way. After reading the world line, he was even a little surprised - even the tasks in this world looked very simple, and it really didn't look like the situation that should occur in the third world.

  But seeing the increasingly ugly expression on the face of the host who was quickly browsing the world line, he wisely did not voice this question out loud.

  What, what, are there any other hidden monsters that he hasn't noticed?

  Lu He couldn't believe it: "Bringing a child again?"

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