3.17 - Jealous

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  The amusement park was packed like a sardine can on the weekends - that's always the case at places where kids like it. Just like no poop scooper can refuse to give a cat small fish, parents always try their best to satisfy their children's requests, and coming to an amusement park is one of the more trivial items.

  But even so, Lu He still felt that his cub was the most handsome cub in the whole street.

  The three of them were indeed eye-catching. Ning Ning wore a princess dress that shone brightly in the sun. It had an exaggeratedly large hem and well-made butterfly wings on the back - he did not see which animated character it belonged to. , or wearing the most beautiful parts of many animated characters on her body. In short, today's birthday girl is a real princess. She turns heads wherever she walks. Some little girls of the same age can't walk just by looking at them. He said, noisily and helplessly trying to get such a gift from the parents.

  Lu He bought a ticket for express admission to the park. Even so, in the short period of time from the gate to entering the park, five or six waves of helpless parents came over and asked him where he bought the clothes.

  The problem is that Lu He doesn't know either... He has never intervened in this matter from the beginning to the end. At most, he gave some suggestions on the choice last night. Even just like this, he deserted halfway. In the end, Xiao An and Ning Ning have been Before going to bed, Lu He himself sat in the study with sleepy eyes, pretending to handle official business and chatting with 000, not knowing that what would appear in the end would be such an eye-catching effect.

  So in the end he could only smile apologetically and said that I didn't know either, so I would be responsible for taking them out to play today.

  He was born with a charming appearance and looked young. It was a good time to have such a big child, but it looked like the product of irresponsibility at first glance. So the person who asked the question knew very well. It's a young couple who are in conflict with each other and who love their children but can never be in the same frame.

  What else can I do? I can't let my brother call his wife who is in the cold war just for this matter.

  The passers-by, who didn't know how far they had been led by the drama queen's expressions and words, looked at the two children with regret, and could only go back empty-handed.

  Ning Ning had no idea of ​​this. She was scurrying around like a lively butterfly. Xiao An next to her was watching the whole process from beginning to end, with a smile in her dark eyes. Lu He turned around after finishing the scene Looking at him, I found that the child actually looked satisfied.

  Um? Don't you dislike your uncle's exaggeration now?

  Director Lu was quite brooding about his comment about being left behind by his little nephew when he first came to this world, so much so that the person concerned had probably forgotten about it a long time ago. He still thinks about it from time to time, and is very stingy.

  He and Xiao An, uncle and nephew, are very similar in appearance. The older one and the younger are both very good-looking. Xiao An is wearing a sparkling little prince outfit - which was also bought by Ning Ning and the others during their shopping spree. ——Lu He was wearing the clothes he carefully matched the night before, and even asked 000 to do his hair, which was just less showy than his niece.

  After they entered the park, they had fast passes, so they didn't need to queue. Lu He accompanied the two children on a carousel and a small train. The delicate young master began to feel a little dizzy - he stayed in the office all year round. He doesn't see the sun, and he has some bad habits of smoking and drinking. His body is as delicate as a breeding cat, and he is very delicate, worse than a child.

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